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Alec's POV

    I forced my eyes open, slowly running my hand over where Magnus should have been lying, but no one was there. I was lying in bed alone, I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. After thinking for a while, I remembered what happened in the middle of the night.

     “No… No…” Magnus knew everything and was not with me right now. “I knew it was going to be like this... He left me... Magnus disgusted me...” I muttered to myself. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn't help the tears running down my cheeks.

     “MAGNUSSS!… MAGNUS!!…” I started to scream and cry. He couldn't have left me, Magnus couldn't have left me. “MAGNUS… MAG-” The door to the room opened, and Magnus rushed in.

     Magnus ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was crying and punching his chest "How can you leave me? How could you go?" The more I cried, the tighter Magnus held me. "Shh... Alexander calm down... You're going to hurt yourself..." I broke free from Magnus' embrace and pushed him away. "W-WHY DO YOU CARE? YOU LEFT ME... YOU WERE DISGUSTED WITH ME WHEN YOU FOUND OUT WHAT HAPPENED AND YOU DIDN'T SLEEP NEXT TO ME..."

    Magnus' face fell, I looked into his eyes. For the first time since Magnus entered the room, I looked at his face "Oh my God Magnus..." I approached Magnus again and cupped his face  "What happened to you?" Magnus' eyes were blood-red, he looked like he had been sleepless for days, and his eyes were hard to see from the swelling. His normally tan skin was sickly pale and yellow.

     Magnus opened his mouth to answer, but just then, the door to the room opened again. "Mom?!" My mom approached me and Magnus.

     "What are you doing here?"

     "I was out of the house to go to the market, I thought I'd drop by. You were asleep so we didn't want to wake you up, I was chatting downstairs with Magnus."

      When I heard what my mother said, I was so embarrassed that I had just yelled at Magnus. It seems that Magnus had not abandoned me. "Anyway, kids, it looks like you have something to talk about." My mother approached us and gave us a kiss on the forehead, "You guys keep chatting, I'll go make you breakfast." I just nodded and my mom walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.

     "Magnus, I'm so sor-"

     "Shh... Alexander, don't apologize. I know..."

     Magnus sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me, and we both sat in silence for a while. Magnus wasn't asking questions, and I couldn't find the courage to speak up myself.

     I knew I had to talk to Magnus, so I straightened up and stepped away from Magnus's arms. I cleared my throat, my voice muffled by all the crying. "So, I know you have a lot of questions..." Magnus sighed, "Just one." Magnus was playing with my hair, his touches comforting me. "Did I unknowingly do something to upset you about this?" Magnus' voice was tearful, it was obvious he was struggling not to cry.

    "No, no, of course not, Magnus... You've always been so kind and gentle to me, you've always put me at ease. You didn't do anything that I didn't want or did to make me feel uncomfortable." Magnus swallowed and nodded, a tear falling from his eye. I wiped his tear with my thumb.

     "Love, why are you crying? Please don't be like that."

     "If I hadn't stayed at my aunt's that day-"

     "Stop it, you won't blame yourself for this. There was nothing you could do, there was nothing anyone could do."

     Magnus wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me tightly he was crying, I was crying too. I don't know how long we were in each other's arms, we were just crying and saying sweet things in each other's ears. I lay on the bed and Magnus lay next to me as soon as Magnus lay next to me I laid my head on his chest, his sweet scent and regular breathing calmed me down.

Friends To Lovers  #Malec#जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें