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Magnus' POV

     I jumped in my car, I need to get away from here, I can't think straight. When I saw the painting Alec made for me tonight, I became the happiest person in the world, I looked into his eyes, I saw the man I fell in love with in those hazel eyes. I realized that I was in love with Alexander and all I wanted was to say it to him in the best possible way on our date tonight.

    I wanted to say it on the night I prepared, not in a crowded environment on foot. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, that my life without him felt incomplete. Now I am returning home alone. All I wanted was to have my Alexander by my side, but I couldn't help my anger and sadness. Did I really overreact?
I can't think of anything, I need to go home.

    I parked my car and walked in the door. As soon as I entered, my eyes filled with tears, the whole house was very beautiful. Colorful candles were burning all over the house, Izzy had put the lilies I had prepared in every corner of the house, and the whole house smelled of fresh lilies, just like my Alexander loves.

    From the outer door to the backyard, there was a path of rose petals and candles. There was a huge blanket and lots of pillows under the big tree in the backyard. Flashing fairy lights hung from the top of the tree. The blanket was filled with various fruits and sweets, Izzy even found wine for us.

    It hurt my heart to look inside the house. I had to come here with Alexander not alone. I didn't have the energy to pack anything, so I threw myself on the living room sofa and closed my eyes.

   For an hour I lay on the sofa with my eyes closed, I couldn't sleep, but I didn't have the energy to get up. My headache was killing me, I forced myself to get up from the sofa, went up to my room to put on something more comfortable.

    I put on a gray sweatpants and one of Alexander's sweatshirts, and wiped the make-up off my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I had been crying, my eyes were red.

    Is it normal for me to be this sad? After all, Alexander didn't know about tonight, if he know he wouldn't let me down.
What if Alexander got bored of me? What if he went out for a drink with Andrew because he got bored of spending time with me all evening? But they didn't go out for a drink alone. Jace and Clary will also be there. Clary never leaves Andrew and Alec alone, she knows we're together. What if Andrew lied to Alec and they went alone?

    I had a thousand questions in my head, the text message on my phone pulled me out of my thoughts

    "Jace, Clary, Andrew and I were at the coffee shop. I just wanted you to know. Did you go home?"

    I rolled my eyes at the message from Alec, they weren't alone after all. I didn't reply to the message and went to the kitchen, started the coffee machine to make myself a cup of coffee. I still couldn't take my eyes off the house, the fairy lights flashing above the tree in the backyard were starting to irritate me. Everything in the house was part of my failed dating attempt. I got a new message on my phone,

   "Magnus, are you okay? I'm worried about you."

    Again, I didn't answer, am I going over Alec too much? What if, out of sadness and anger, I say something to break his heart? It's best to talk face to face in the morning. I knew Alec had done nothing wrong. He didn't even know about the surprise I had prepared, I just didn't want to project my own sadness and disappointment onto him. It was a mistake to leave him alone, but I should have calmed my head a little bit rather than hurt his heart in a way that I can't make up for later.

    My coffee was ready, I sat on the sofa in the candlelight at home and drank my coffee alone, I was feeling very lonely. After I finished my coffee, I decided to tidy the house. I went to the backyard and started removing the fairy lights on the tree.

    Just as I was about to turn off the lights, the doorbell rang, I didn't have time to deal with anyone at this hour, I ignored it. The doorbell rang again and I didn't answer. I kept tearing down the fairy lights, crying. I suddenly felt the door open and I approached the door in surprise. “OH MY GOD... Magnus…” Alec was standing in front of the door with his eyes wide open.

    "Alexander, what are you doing here?" Alec's eyes filled with tears and he leaned closer to me, "Magnus, this is beautiful here. Did you prepare this for me?" I rolled my eyes and turned around "I WAS prepared it for you, but you had more priority things to do with your friends."

    Alec leaned closer to me, grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards him. I closed my eyes and realized that tears were flowing from my eyes. "Alexander, I think you should go." my voice was almost a whisper "Magnus no, please... please talk to me" I started sobbing, Alexander hugged me tightly

    "Magnus, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had prepared something so perfect for me. Please forgive me."

    "I know, Alexander, I really know... I don't bleam you. I wanted to surprise you. It started so well tonight so I wanted it to have a great ending."

    Alexander released me, pulled back a little, looked at my face and started wiping my tears, "Magnus, I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you, I should have come with you." I covered my face with my hand and stepped back

    "Alexander, whit anger I was afraid to say something that would break your heart so I left you alone and told you to go. But I never wanted you to go." I kept sobbing, "How can I let the man I love go." Alexander froze, "A-Are y-you i-in love with me?" I didn't plan to say it like that "Of course Alexander, Of ​​course I love you. How could I not? Look at yourself."

    Alexander approached me without saying anything, was it too soon to say I was in love?

     "Alexander, I know maybe it's too early to say I'm in love-"

    "I'm in love with you too."

    My eyes widened and Alec stepped closer to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged Alexander too. I don't know how long we stayed in one's embrace in the garden. "I love you Magnus, I love you so much please forgive me. I was stupid, I couldn't think straight, I'm sorry."

    With every word, Alec slowly started kissing my chin down my neck, a shiver ran down my spine as his lips touched my neck. "Magnus please..." I closed my eyes and let myself go to Alexander "I-I l-love y-you A-Alexander... It's okay. I am also wrong. I'm sorry."  My voice was almost a whisper.

    "Will you be able to forgive me too? "

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