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Magnus' POV

    “You know you don't have to come running to Alec's class every time after class, right?” I was waiting for Alec to come out in front of the classroom door, not wanting to leave him alone for a second after Alec told me what had happened. “Shut up blondie.”
     The classroom door opened and Alec came over to us, “Hi baby.” Just as I was going to kiss his lips, he turned his head. "Hey darling." I put my arm around Alec's waist and whispered in his ear, "Alexander, what are you doing? Why didn't you let me kiss you?"
     Alec had an evil smile on his face. “You know why, honey.” I can't believe it, Alec was really going to take this game this far. Or what he was doing wasn't part of the game and he just wanted to wait until the tests were over.
     I don't blame him, actually, lessons and school have always been first priority for Alec. I'm not even sure how he agreed to be my boyfriend in such a busy work schedule. I rolled my eyes. Me, Alec and Jace walked to the cafeteria for lunch.
  We went to our usual table. Clary, Andrew and Simon were chatting. Jace sat next to Clary, I and Alec sat across from them side by side. "Where's Izzy?" Alec asked. "She has homework to do, she said you promised to go out with her after school, I guess she's trying to finish her work already."
    I looked at Alec, he hadn't told me he was going out with Izzy. Alec must have understood what I was going to say, "You're coming with us too, Izzy was upset that I got home late yesterday. And I promised to hang out with her today.”
    I understood what Alec meant, and I was agreeing with Izzy. I was aware of how frustrating it was to be home alone, as I usually live alone. “It's okay, Alexander, you guys spend some time alone.” Alexander knew I couldn't break up with him and I didn't want to leave him either, but it wouldn't be fair to Alec or Izzy for me to steal their family time.
  "No Magnus, Izzy asked you to come too. She actually said she wanted to spend time with her two older brothers.”
  “Did she really say that?”
   Alec smiled broadly and nodded. I was very happy that Izzy thought that way of me. Seeing how happy I am, Alec places a kiss on the side of my head and wraps his arms around my shoulders.
    We continued to eat together, and I could feel Clary's eyes on me the entire time. ''What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Clary rolled her eyes. “I'm not looking at you, I'm looking at your necklace. It looks so beautiful.” Before I could respond, Simon said, “Are you guys really not going to take these matching necklaces off your neck?” Alexander and I looked at each other and smiled. “Nope, no we won't.”
    Andrew rolled his eyes at us. ''I think they're very cute. Why did you do that?” I guess we weren't the only ones who noticed Andrew's roll of eyes.

   “Cause it's so cheap. I mean, come on, you're still in high school and you're wearing a ring on your neck, like you're not getting married."
  “It's not an engagement ring after all.”   Simon joined the conversation.

    "I know it's not an engagement ring. Just do you really need to take high school relationships so seriously?” Andrew defended himself fiercely. "You're going to break up in a few months anyway." Andrew muttered between his lips. “WHAT?!” My voice was higher than I had anticipated. “What did you just say?” Andrew sighed.

    ''I said; You're going to break up in a few months anyway. Who's marrying their high school sweetheart? You won't even remember each other's names in the future.”

   “We don't care if we're in high school. We love each other, and our relationship is none of your business. You-"
    I calmed down with Alec's hand on my thigh and stopped talking.

   "Andrew what you said is so wrong, yes we may be in high school right now but me and Magnus are in love with each other. I'd really like to see what we're in for eternity, but if we're really going to break up for a few months like you said, there's something you don't know. Me and Magnus were best friends first and foremost, Magnus is not only my boyfriend, he is my everything and he has a huge place in my life and always will be. So you better keep the theories about us breaking up or forgetting each other's name to yourself.”
     There was silence across the table as Alec spoke. This was the first time Alec had expressed his thoughts in this way. “Damn Alec, that speech was great.” Just as I predicted, the only person who could ruin such a nice talk is our blondie.
     Alexander's face reddened, and Andrew lowered his head without saying anything. Alec's hand was still on my thigh. I looked into his eyes, they looked nothing but pure love, what he said made me so happy that I wanted to kiss Alec's lips there at that moment.
    I cleared my throat and Alec turned to me, "Umm... I wonder if we can go somewhere alone before class starts?" Alec had a smug smile on his face. He came close to my lips, "You know, we said we'll wait. But…” He placed a small kiss on my lips, almost like a feather, but even his kiss was so loving that it made a million butterflies rise in my stomach. “That's enough for now.” He muttered to my lips and pulled back.
     I can't help laughing ‚‘How could I have almost crumbled while Alexander was so strong-willed?‘ I thougt.

   We all ate our lunch in silence, and when the bell rang we went to our classes. The final lessons went much quicker than I expected. The final bell had rung and Alexander and I were waiting in the school parking lot.

   "We can go whit my car, your car stays here in the parking lot. That way I can come by to drive you to school in the morning.” I smiled, showing my teeth. Alec rolls his eyes, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him.

    “Did I mention how opportunistic you are?” I pretended to think, “I guess not. What's wrong with me looking for a chance to spend more time with my boyfriend?" Alec gave me a small kiss on the cheek, "I guess it's okay."

     Izzy ran up to us while Alec and I were holding each other's arms saying sweet things to each other. "Welcome Princess..."

    Me and Alec greeted Izzy. Izzy hugged us both and sat in the car. After we all took our places, we were ready to go. "Well, where would you like to start your day with?"

Andrew’s POV
    I came home running in anger. I went to my room, slammed the door behind me, and immediately grabbed my phone and started dialing.



   “Andrew honey, are you home?” As soon as I heard my mother's voice, I hung up the phone and threw it on my bed.

   "I'm in my room, mom." My mom came into my room, "Are you okay? I heard the door slam... You look angry, Something happened at school?" I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath "No mom I'm fine, I swear." My mom smiled and was just leaving the room.


   "Yes sweetie?"

   "Can we invite the Lightwood's to dinner with us sometime when we're free?"

   My mom thought for a second, "I'm free next Sunday, you can tell your friends if you want." I panicked. and quickly shook my head. “No no, It would be better if you talk to Maryse.” My mother looked at me with puzzled eyes.

     "Well, as you wish honey."




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