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Alec's POV

     When I opened my eyes, at first I couldn't understand where I was. Magnus was asleep in my arms, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around me and the blanket above us. He hid his head deep in my chest and snuggled into me as much as he could. He was shaking, and I remembered where we were, thanks to the cold air touching my body.

    "Oh my God... Magnus wake up quick." Magnus snuggled closer to me. We fell asleep in the backyard. I don't know how long we've been sleeping or if we were late for school. One thing I was sure of was we were both freezing. "Magnus... Wake up..." Magnus said in a shaky voice, "Alexander, why is it so cold? Did you leave the window open?" Magnus has always been more intolerant of the cold than I am. I was afraid he might get sick, so I threw one of the extra blankets right next to us on him.

    "Magnus babe, we fell asleep in the garden. You're going to be sick, come on, get up." Magnus whimpered
"Come on darling, let's go inside." Magnus wraps his arms and legs tightly around me, still shaking. With Magnus holding me so tight, I carried him inside.

    My strength was still not strong enough and I wasn't as muscular as Magnus, but I managed to carry him to the living room seat. I was sitting on the sofa and Magnus was on my lap, I covered him with the blankets around us. "Magnus... Darling wake up, we have to go to school." My one hand was running over Magnus' bare back. I ran my fingertips up and down his spine. Magnus hid his head in my neck and muttered something.

    "Magnus darling let's get up, take a hot shower and get ready for school." Magnus lifted his head to my neck and opened his eyes, "A-Are w-we g-going t-to s-shower t-together?" I couldn't help laughing at Magnus' innocent face and trembling voice.

    "Yes love, we can take a shower together. But we'll just shower. I don't know what time it is, we might be late for school." Magnus looked around and reached for his phone from the coffee table. "It's six o'clock." Magnus started to place small kisses on my neck, I tried to hold back my moan, but Magnus sitting naked above me wasn't helping at all.

    "Umm... it's still long before school starts."

    "Magnuss...yes we have more time, but we need to get ready and tidy the house before we leave." Magnus lifted his head from my neck and looked around, all the candles from yesterday were gone, the house was filled with rose petals. Magnus sighed deeply, "I don't want to do anything. I just want to sit on this couch all day with the man I love."

   Magnus' eyes were still swollen, I felt awful. I ran my thumb under his eyes and was about to open my mouth when Magnus pressed his lips to mine, silencing me.

    As we were both panting, Magnus stepped back and placed his forehead on my shoulder. "I know what you're going to say, Alexander... But don't say it okay? I love you and you love me too, nothing else matters." I kissed Magnus' temple "I love you." My voice came out like a whisper. We were both sit silently in each other's embrace.


    "Okay, we're going to the shower right now, then you put on some thick clothes." Magnus started to whine and move in my lap "Nope, no Magnus." Magnus rolled his eyes and got up from my lap.

     "Fine" Magnus went to his room, so I got up and followed him.


     Hot water was pouring over us, the whole bathroom was steaming. Magnus runs his hands over my body and washes my body, while I run my hands through his hair and wash his hair. The only thing breaking our peaceful silence was Magnus' constant sneezing. It was a crazy idea to spend the whole night out.


     "Baby are you sure you're okay?" Magnus rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my neck. We washed all the bubbles on us. During our entire time, our favorite thing to do with Magnus was to wait in each other's hugs under the hot water for a while after taking a shower.

     "I'm fine, Alexander. Just a few sneezes, I promise, I'm okay." Magnus started kissing down my neck. He put his hands down on my waist and continued to kiss my whole chest. He came close to my ear again "I can show you how good I am if you want." He whispered in my ear.

    It was hard to resist his seductive voice. I took a deep breath, "Ma-Magnus, y-you can't even imagine how much I want to stay here with you right now." Magnus kept kissing my neck. "B-But... W-We have to go to school darling, we don't have time." Magnus found one of my sweet spots and sucked on it hard, biting his teeth. I couldn't hold back my moans, small moans escaped my lips and Magnus pulled back, "You're right my love. Mmm... You owe me though." Magnus gave me a small kiss on the lips and walked out of the bathroom.

    We both went to Magnus' room to get dressed, wrapping our towels around our waists. We both had enough clothes in our house during our union. I opened Magnus' closet and bought a black sweater and black pants. I went to his drawer and bought a black boxer and started getting dressed. I was dressed, but Magnus was still choosing what to wear.


    Magnus grabbed a white see-through T-shirt, and as soon as I saw it I pulled it from his hand. "Nope, no, you're not wearing this." Magnus rolled his eyes and began to whine. "No, Magnus. You're cold enough already. You're wearing something thick."

     I went to Magnus' closet and pulled out a purple thick enough sweatshirt and handed it to him, "Here. Put this on." Magnus gave me a puppy look, pursed his lip. "But Alexander, I'm wearing blue jeans. It doesn't look good together." I gave him a small kiss on his chapped lip. "Then change your pants, Magnus. You're going to wear this today." Magnus took the sweater from my hands and pulled a pair of black leather pants out of his closet.

    "By the way, I like the way you do it, when you're in control while giving orders" Magnus runs his hands over my arms "So sexy" he whispered in my ear. I was going to answer Magnus with a sarcastic smile on my face, but the ringing of my phone interrupted us.

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