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Magnus' POV

    "Hey, good morning  beatiful." I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed my eyes with my hand. Alexander was kneeling at the head of the bed playing with my hair, placing small kisses on my face.

     "Hey, good morning baby." My voice was a hoarse whisper, my sore throat got better. "Why aren't you in bed?" Alexander was stroking my cheeks with his thumb. "I have to go to school darling." I hung my face "What about me?" Alexander placed a small kiss on my lips.

     "You'll be fine darling, Mom's shift doesn't start until I get out of school. You won't be alone." Alexander put his lips on my forehead.

   "How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

   "I'm better, Alexander, thanks to you."

   I slowly pressed my lips to Alec's. "But I would be better off if my boyfriend lay down next to me for morning hugs and good morning kisses." Alexander smiled at my lips, "I know darling, but don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. You can also text me anytime." I wrap my arms around Alexander's neck and pull him in.

    "You know what, I actually feel good. What do you think, should I come to school? I don't want to leave my boyfriend alone." Alec grabbed my wrists and kissed my wrists and palms

    "Nope, no darling, you're going to sleep well and rest until I come back. And if you're better when I get back, we can have some fun. OK?" I couldn't help chuckling at Alec's words "Okay darling. But hurry up, I'll miss you."

     Alec got up from me and kissed my forehead. "I promise baby I'll be home as soon as I get out of school." Alec played with my hair for the last time "Come on, get some more sleep." I closed my eyes at Alec's soft touch and just muttered. Alexander kissed my lips for the last time. "See you when I get back from school." He mumbled between the kisses and left the room.

    When Alexander left, I slammed my head into the pillow and closed my eyes and continued to sleep.

     I reached my hand out on the bed where Alec normally sleeps, it was cold. I opened my eyes and it occurred to me that Alec had gone to school in the morning, I ran my fingers over my lips and I could still feel his soft and warm lips. It put a smile on my face.

     After a while I forced myself to get out of bed, put on a gray sweatpants and one of Alec's black sweatshirts, and went downstairs.

      Maryse was sitting alone at the kitchen table, flipping through the pages of the newspaper in front of her, sipping her coffee from the cup in her hand.

     "Good morning..."

     "Oh.. Magnus good morning sweetie. How are you?"

     I sat at the table next to Maryse. "I'm much better, thank you." Maryse stood up from the table and put her lips on my forehead, held it there for a while, then kissed my forehead and stepped back. She went to the kitchen counter and brought a breakfast plate and a hot cup of coffee she had prepared for me.

      "Umm... Maryse? What was the thing  you did ?" She looked at me with confused eyes

    "You kissed my forehead, but you kept your lips there first. Alec did the same a few times, but I thought he was just doing it to kiss me."

      Maryse smiled and ran her hands through my hair, as if I had said the most obvious thing in the world. "I made it to check your temperature. You can always get accurate results if you look with your hand, that's a safer way. Well, the kiss at the end is because you're such a cute boy."

     I felt my face turn red, I lowered my head and stared at my plate. "You look better. If you rest well today and tomorrow and take your meds regularly, you can go to school after that." I nodded,

    "Thank you so much for taking care of me."
     "No need to thank me, Magnus, I would do the same if any of my children got sick."

     I couldn't help but feel my eyes fill with tears in Maryse's sweet words. Maryse stood up and wrapped her arms around my shoulder from behind, "Shh Mags, please don't be upset." I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my sweater, and Maryse pressed a kiss to the top of my head and sat back down at the table.

     "Come on, eat your food, then take your medicine. What do you intend to do until Alec comes?"  I swallowed the bite in my mouth. "I don't know, I think I'll take a shower and read some books." I checked my watch on my phone "Besides, it's not long before Alexander arrives, school's over in three or four hours."

     Maryse got up and brought my medicine from the kitchen cupboard for me. "Okay Magnus, you take a shower, I'm here anyway, if you need anything feel free to ask." I took my meds. "Thanks." Maryse sat next to me again. I finished my breakfast and we were both sipping our coffees.

      "And Magnus?" Maryse pointed at the faded bruises on my neck. "Do I have to worry about them?" I felt my face turn impossibly red, yeah Maryse guessed something was going on with me and Alec but it was really embarrassing for me to talk about it with her.

     "Umm... well..."

     "Come on, Magnus, you don't have to be ashamed of me. I just want my sons to be safe."

      I lowered my head, "Umm... y-you d-don't have to worry... Well... We're not... Umm yet..." I cleared my throat, my voice higher than I had anticipated.   "We... you know, we haven't done anything yet..."

   Maryse let out a soft chuckle. "Oh... don't be so nervous honey.. I know you haven't done anything yet." I looked at Maryse in surprise,

     "But how-"

     "Come on, I'm a mom. Can't I understand if one of my kids has sex with his boyfriend?"

      I don't understand how it got here, my face was even redder than I could have imagined. Maryse sighed deeply, "It's just Alec is so sensitive and fragile about this, Please be understanding for him and don't do anything to upset him."

      I just nodded. Maryse's eyes were nothing more than a worried mother for her son. "Don't worry. I would never do anything to upset or disturb my Alexander." Maryse caressed my cheek.

      We both sat in the kitchen in silence for a while, chatting from time to time. It was almost two o'clock when I got up from the kitchen and went to Alec's room. I decided to take a shower, threw my clothes in the dirty basket in the bathroom, adjusted the hot water and jumped under the water.

      After waiting under the water for a while and making sure that the hot water relaxes my muscles, I started washing my body. The whole bathroom smelled like Alec, thanks to Alec's lily-scented shower gel. After making sure that my body was clean, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

      I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself, water was still dripping from my hair and my body was covered with bruises all over my chest and neck. I ran my fingertips over the bruises on my chest and a great idea came to my mind.

      I immediately took my phone and took a picture in the mirror. I was only wearing a towel wrapped around my lower waist and still drops of water were running down my body. I sent the photo to Alexander and began to dress up with a devilish smile on my face.

     I bought a black sweatpants from Alexander's closet and wore only a navy blue hoodie. I covered the front of the hoodie and didn't wear anything inside. After I got dressed, I went to Alec's bed and covered myself with a blanket. Just as I was snuggled into the blankets, a new message arrived on my phone.




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