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Alec’s POV

   "Hey, good morning." Magnus wraps his arms around my waist and starts planting kisses on my neck as I talk on the phone. "Yes, I'm fine. How are you?"
    Despite Magnus' kisses, I kept talking on the phone in a steady voice. Magnus advanced his game and started sucking on my neck "Huh... I got it." I bit my lips and tried to hold back my moan. Magnus had a devilish smile on his face. It was obvious he was having fun.
     "Magnus stop it, I'm on the phone." I hung up the phone with my hand and whispered to Magnus, "Who is that Alexander?" I didn't answer Magnus and Magnus started kissing me under my ear, making me queasy and I started giggling.

   "Ummm... you should have let me wear the shirt I wanted."
    Magnus muttered to my neck. "No, there's no need. Yeah, yes, we're both fine." I was trying to push Magnus away from me with my hand. "Yeah, actually I'm with him right now. And we're going to school together. But thanks for the offer anyway."
     Magnus ran his tongue over my bruises from the previous day "Ohh... God.. umm yes yes see you at school." I immediately hung up and prayed that he hadn't heard my moan.
     As soon as I hung up the phone, I grabbed Magnus' wrist and pulled him to me. I laid him on the bed and got on top of him with my knees at his side. I pin his wrists above his head. “Umm… Alexander…” Magnus writhed under me, “Who was it that called?” I started kissing Magnus neck "Curious much?"
    Magnus tossed his head to the side, "Umm… Who was he? And what did he say?" I kept kissing Magnus' neck and mumbled to his neck, "It was Andrew." I felt Magnus tense up and I lifted my head from his neck, letting go of his wrists and intertwining our fingers. "Oh, what was he saying?" I brought one of Magnus's hand to my lips and kissed his knuckles as he spoke.
    "He wondered how I was after yesterday and asked how things were with you." I kept kissing his palms and wrists, and Magnus chuckled. "He asked if we could go to school together. I said I was with you."


  "Okay, let's go now." I took Magnus's hand and we went downstairs together Magnus made breakfast for us while I tidied the house. I cleared most of the house. Only the backyard remained. I went to the garden and first collected our clothes and blankets from the floor. Only the fairy lights on the tree remained, they looked beautiful on the top of the tree.

   "Magnus? Can the fairy lights stay on the tree? They look beautiful." Magnus came out of the kitchen and came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Of course they can stay, darling. As you wish." I placed a small kiss on Magnus's lips and continued to tidy the garden, while Magnus had returned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

    When everything was cleared, I grabbed the items to take to the kitchen and went to the kitchen to meet Magnus. "Baby where should I put this wine?" Magnus looked at the wine in my hand. "Umm... I don't know, Alexander, Izzy brought it." I looked carefully at the wine

    "Hey, that's my mom's favorite wine" Magnus started laughing "Yeah, and it's probably your mom's wine" Magnus show the kitchen cupboard over there "Put it in that cupboard over there, but when you get home from school take it back to Maryse's liquor cabinet. You know my aunt's permission to be alone. When I bought permisson from her , I promised that there would be no alcohol in the house." I just nodded.

      When it was all over, Magnus and I had breakfast, there was little time before we left the house for school. "Do you want me to hide them?" Magnus ran his fingers over the bruises on my neck. I shook my head, "No, I want them to stay." Magnus was smiling.


     I grabbed the red scarf from the hanger and wrapped it around Magnus' neck. "Alexander, but this color doesn't suit this outfit." Magnus paut his lip. I kissed Magnus' curled lip, "Too bad."

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