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Alec's POV

      "Well, where would you like to start your day with?"

    Magnus looked even more excited than I and Izzy. "I want to go to the mall. First we'll go shopping together, then we'll go to the beauty parlor, then I want to go for a massage, and lastly I want to go to the movies."

     It was like Izzy had really been waiting for this moment for years, "Izzy, honey, are you sure we can fit all of this in one day?" Izzy rolled her eyes. "Of course, Alec. Don't worry, I've scheduled all our appointments and bought movie tickets online."

     Magnus was driving towards the mall. "Also, I bought the movie tickets for the night show." Izzy really had it all planned out, I was a little upset when I found out that Izzy had so many plans to spend a day with us. 'Did I neglect Izzy too much? Did I spend so little time with her that she got this excited for even one day?'

   "Okay, we're here." Magnus parked the car in the mall's parking lot. We got off together. Izzy walked between me and Magnus and took our arm.

    "How about we go get some outfits for my brother Magnus?"

   "Uuu I love that."

    I rolled my eyes, if Izzy and Magnus were together, today would be a really tough day for me. We walked into the first store together, Izzy filled her arms with clothes and went to the dressing room. Me and Magnus were waiting for her on the couch in the waiting area, the mall wasn't as crowded as we'd hoped, there weren't many people besides the staff and us.

    Izzy stepped out of the cabin, wearing a black tulle dress. Although the dress was short in length, the sleeves reached to her wrists. She looked like witches straight out of fantasy novels, with black high-heeled boots on her feet.

   "Wow, you look amazing."

   "Yeah Izzy that's amazing."

    Izzy spun around and looked in the mirror behind her. “Really?” Me and Magnus nodded simultaneously. Laughing, Izzy went back to the dressing room, tried on about twenty dresses, and decided to buy most of them. As Magnus and I watched Izzy try on clothes back to back, Magnus started choosing clothes for himself.

    "Okayy, I'm done choosing clothes, I'm leaving these at the cashier and I'll be back, then we can start choosing clothes for you." Izzy walked past us with dresses in her arms. "Open your arms." I opened my arms and Magnus put a bunch of clothes on my arms. "Are you going to try all of these?"  Magnus started laughing

    “Of course not, Alexander.” He grabbed a pair of burgundy leather pants from the hanger and placed them on the pile of clothes on my arms.

    "You're going to try."


    Izzy came back to us. “Did you pick an outfit for my brother?” Magnus nodded with a big laugh. “I'll help Alexander decide which one to try first, so you wait here for us, okay?” Izzy slumped into the chair in the waiting area, Magnus grabbed my arm and led me to the dressing room.

    "Magnus, come on, most of these aren't even my style." Magnus took the clothes off my arms and began to choose from them, "Alexander Please? Can you try it for me?” Magnus was giving me puppy eyes. God he knows I can't stand those looks.

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