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I didn't get any sleep last night, I was too scared that I wouldn't hear Caleb cry. Steph kept insisting that I sleep, so did the nurses. They even gave me pain medication that made me a drowsy, but I fought it hard. I dozed off for like ten minutes and that was it.

They got me to get up and walk around, when I got up, a bunch of blood dumped onto the floor. It hurts so much to walk but they said the more I walk, the faster I'll heal. They also took out my catheter, so I'll have to get up to go pee.

They also took out my IV not too long ago, so I took a shower, with Steph's help. She's seen more of me than a friend should see.

I destroyed my breakfast when they brought it to me, I had the plate cleared in five minutes flat. I was starving.

The team just landed not too long ago, William and Auston are gonna carpool over here. Mitch said he's gonna wait until we get released and get comfortable before he comes and meets the baby because he doesn't want to overwhelm us.

My brothers are gonna wait until we get home for the same reason.

Speaking of William and Auston, they just walked in and they brought Steph and I McDonald's.

They put down the food and went to wash their hands since they don't want to get Caleb sick.

Will walked over to me and gave me a kiss. I was holding the baby and William just admired him. He didn't want to hold him, yet since he's not his dad.

"How are you feeling?" William asked.

"Sore but other than that, fine" I replied.

"Auston, you wanna hold him?" I asked. He nodded. Steph had him sit down and she handed him the baby. He started to tear up once he was in his arms. Steph took a picture of him and Caleb.

"He's so perfect" he whispered loudly.

"I have a son" he stated, in shock. He held our son for about twenty minutes before handing him to William, who also started crying.

"Thank you for growing this perfect human being" Auston told me, admiring Caleb.

"It's not a problem, I don't want to grow a human ever again. Or at least not for a long time" I laughed.

"Next time it'll be my kid" Will joked, still holding the baby. Then Caleb had a suspicious fart and it caught Will so off guard. We all laughed at his facial expression.

"Not it" I laughed.

"Auston, you need to learn how to change a diaper" Will said, handing Caleb to Auston.

"What if I break him?" Auston asked, nervously.

"You're not gonna break him. Since, Sadie can't move that well, I'm gonna show you" Steph stated. She got up and got the baby from him and set him in the bassinet.

She showed him what to do and eventually Caleb had a clean diaper.

"Does their poop always look like that?" He asked.

"Only for the first couple days, apparently" I replied.

"When will you be able to go home?" Will asked.

"Either tomorrow or Monday" I replied.


Steph went home and Auston stayed for two hours before going home. He held Caleb for almost the entire time.

"Do you think Auston is gonna stick around?" William asked.

"I sure hope so. My heart will break for Caleb if he decides to be a revolving door of a father" I sighed.

"Even if Auston doesn't stick around, he'll have me, he has lots of guys who care about him that are more than willing to be a father figure for him if needed" he replied.

"You're right" I stated as Caleb started to make noises.

"I think he's hungry" he told me.

"Can you hand me one of those bottles?" I asked.

"I can feed him" he offered.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded and took Caleb out of my arms.

"Do you have formula at home for him?" He asked.

"Shit. That's the one thing I forgot to buy" I replied, mentally cursing myself out.

"We can stop by Walmart on the way home, I'll run in and grab it" he suggested.

"I can see if Auston can pick some up and drop it off at my place, so we can go straight home" I suggested.

"Okay. That actually makes more sense" he admitted. I pulled out my phone and texted Auston.



Hey, can you do me
a huge favor?


What's up?


Can you pick up
a can of formula
for Caleb? I forgot
to pick up some
before having him
and I just wanna
come straight home
when we get released

I'll pay you back


What kind does
he need? And
where can I find
it? Also, no you're
not paying me back
he's my kid, the least
I can do is pay for
his food


Similac Advanced
is what they're
giving him here.
It'll be in the baby
section at Walmart.

It's in a blue can


Ok, I'll FaceTime
you to make sure
I'm getting the
right thing and
I'll drop it off w
one of your


Thank you so much
you're a lifesaver


No problem

"He said he'll pick it up" I told Will as he continued to feed the baby.

"Sweet" he replied.

My heart feels so full now that Caleb is here and Will is by my side. We're a weird little family.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat