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We got home and put C down for bed, now we're eating a really late dinner and watching TV.

My phone buzzed, indicating that I had a text. I picked my phone up and saw that the text was from Auston.



Is there any way I can
get C more often and
possibly tomorrow?


This wouldn't have
anything to do w the
fact that you have a
new gf would it?


No? I just wanna
see my son more than
once a week. Is that a


No it's not a crime
but I'm just trying
to figure out why
all of a sudden?
You've had unlimited
access to C and you
chose to only see him
once a week. You get
a girlfriend and then
all of a sudden you
feel like you don't see
him enough. You're
not gonna use our
son to pretend that
you're the perfect
father to your gf


If you're not gonna
let me see my son,
I'm gonna take you
to court to get 50/50


I never said I wasn't
gonna let you see him.
Take me to court tho.
You travel for most of
the year, I'd love to see
you try to get 50/50




You don't really want
anything to do w C
until a girl wants
to have sex w you


Can I see my son
tomorrow or not?


Depends. Is your gf
gonna be around him?


Yeah. Why does it


If she's gonna be
around him, I have to
meet her. You don't get him
until I meet her.


I've only been w her
for like a month. Isn't
it overkill for her to
meet my baby mama?


If she's gonna be
around my kid. I have
to meet her. I wouldn't
bring a man you don't
know around C w/o
you meeting him. I
expect that same level
of respect but I guess
that's asking too much


Fine you can meet


Ok. We're meeting at
the park that's a couple
miles down the road from
the ACC. Be there at noon.


Sounds good
Read at 10:17p.m.

Who have you been texting?" William asked. We were cuddled up next to each other on the couch.

"Auston" I sighed.

"What did he want?" He asked, annoyed. He always gets annoyed when Auston texts me- he won't admit it because it's usually for Caleb related reasons.

"He asked if he could have more time with C and if he could get him tomorrow" I replied.

"Why the sudden interest in his son?" He asked.

"I think it's his girlfriend but he won't admit it" I chuckled.

"Are you gonna let him have C tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah but I told him that I have to meet his girlfriend otherwise I will not allow him to have Caleb if his girlfriend is around" I replied.

"Good luck with that, she seems like a real classy lady" he laughed.

"Tell me about it. I asked Aus why he wanted more time with C all of the sudden and he said that if I don't let him see his son, he was gonna take me to court for 50/50 custody" I laughed.

"He seriously thinks he's gonna win that? You're the one who has him all the time, Aus is gone all the time, a judge isn't gonna rule in his favor and if he takes you to court. The judge is gonna make him pay child support and visitation doesn't change" he stated, finding it humorous.

"As much as I wanna continue this conversation, I'm super tired" I yawned.

"Me too" he yawned. I took our dishes from dinner to the kitchen, I'll wash dishes in the morning. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Will and I went to our room. He stripped down to his underwear, I took my bra off and took my pants off and we both crawled into bed.

Really dreading meeting his new girlfriend.

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