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It's been two weeks since I found out Auston was with another girl. Steph invited me to a party at their place, tonight. I don't like parties but I'll go just for her.

Auston hasn't tried to contact me. I doubt he will. I'm fairly certain he's still with his ex. I still feel stupid for believing a single word that came out of his mouth.

I guess, I should start getting for the party and stop wallowing in my own self pity. I sighed and walked over to my closet to pull out clothes that are party appropriate.

I went to my bathroom to straighten my hair and do my makeup.


I'm finally finished getting ready, I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, completely ignoring my brother because I don't want the third degree from him. He doesn't like me going to parties with him because he's terrified that someone is gonna put something in my drink.

I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway. Steph and Mitch's place is only fifteen minutes away, so it won't take too terribly long to get there.


I got to Steph's place, I had to park down the block because there were so many people parked around their house. I'm kind of worried about the amount of people here. I'm not a big fan of people, so I'm kinda nervous.

I approached the front door and rang the doorbell. Steph answered and gave me a hug.

"I'm so happy that you decided to come!" She said excitedly, letting me into the house.

"I'm glad you invited me" I smiled. She handed me a beer and I sat down on the couch. Her and Mitch are the only people I know here that I'm not pissed at.

I looked around to see Auston with his ex. She's perfect in every way. No wonder why he went back to her. It makes me wonder why he went after me in the first place. I'm quite average looking.

"You look nervous" I heard a male voice say to me. I look over to see a handsome guy with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes and a little bit of scruff.

"Yeah, I am. The only people I know here are Steph and Mitch" I replied, leaving out the fact that I know Auston as well.

"I'm William" he introduced himself, putting out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Sadie" I replied, shaking his hand. He smiled at me. He has such a pretty smile. Sadie, stop. We just went through this Auston. No more hockey players.


I've been at this party for about two hours, now. William and I have been hanging out with each other all night. I also found out that I usually am wearing his jersey. He's Nylander.

Auston and I keep catching glances at each other. I really wish he wasn't here but it is what it is.

Will and I are also fairly intoxicated.

"I gotta go pee" I told William. He nodded as I stumbled my way to the bathroom. I ran into Auston on the way to the bathroom.

"Seriously, Sadie?" Auston asked, seeming upset.

"What?" I asked.

"You're seriously, trying to hook up with Willy, now?" He asked.

"N-no and even if I was... it's none of your business! We were never dating!" I slurred, pushing him away from me so I could go to the bathroom.

After I went to the bathroom, I went into the kitchen and got a couple shots for Will and I and walked back over to him. I'm not gonna let Auston ruin my buzz.

I handed him the shots and we downed them as quickly as we could. I decided to be bold and I sat in his lap. If Auston wants to believe that I'm trying to hook up with Will, I'm gonna make it happen.

I looked Will in the eyes and pressed my lips against his. Our lips moved in sync, my fingers ran through his hair and hands ran up and down my body. We made out for a few more minutes before he pulled away.

We didn't say a word to each other but we already knew what the other was thinking. I got off of him and we ran to the guest room.

Once we got in there, I shut the door and locked it. He pushed me onto the bed and our makeout session resumed. It got more and more heated and we were eventually naked. He has a nice looking body.

He pulled out a condom and put it on and positioned himself between my legs. I guess this is really happening...

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now