I just came home from Auston's, we had sex like three more times after that first time. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. His back is covered in scratch marks, my neck and chest is covered in hickeys.

I walked in through the door, Kody was sitting on the couch, playing Grand Theft Auto.

"Welcome back" he said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

"I thought you had to work today?" I asked.

"Nah, I had someone else take my overtime" he replied, pausing his game, so we can actually talk. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide.

"Good lord, Sadie. Was the man trying to eat you?!" He asked in shock at all the hickeys on my neck. I had like four of them on my neck and like ten of them on my chest.

"Uh... in a way..." I replied awkwardly.

"Gross. At least tell me you guys were safe?" He asked.

"I'm on birth control" I told him.

"You're brave for relying on just that, I don't want you bringing home no babies" he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"What's the point of birth control if I can't rely on it?" I asked.

"Excellent question, the only thing that you can fully rely on to not get you pregnant is to not have sex at all" he shot back.

"No, not happening" I replied. He laughed at me.

"Didn't we have this talk the other day about him trying to get down your pants? And what happened? He got down your pants" he asked, rhetorically.

"We both like each other, why does it matter? I think the only reason we're not together, yet is because we've only known each other for like two weeks" I explained.

"You guys have barely known each other but you're having sex with him and spending the night with him?" He asked.

"There's nothing wrong with hooking up with a friend" I defended.

"There is if you guys develop a romantic relationship, the foundation of your relationship would be based off sex and that isn't healthy" he stated.

"Worry about your own love life, Kody. I can handle myself" I snapped.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, but since you wanna act like this, don't come crying to me when your arrangement with him comes crumbling down" he spat. I rolled my eyes and went to my room.

I don't see why my friendship with Auston matters to him. I can't handle myself. Auston said he wouldn't hurt me and I'm gonna take his word for it.

I'm allowed to have one good thing going for me. I'm allowed to be happy. If Auston makes me happy, I'm gonna let him make me happy. Fuck what my brother thinks.

He just thinks negatively because he thinks all hockey players use women. That might be true for some but definitely not all. Auston is one of the sweetest men I have ever met.

I just hope that Kody can change his way of thinking and just be happy for me. It took a lot for me to trust men that aren't my brothers again, he should be happy that I'm talking to someone. I thought he would be happy because Auston is one of his favorite players on the Leafs.

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