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Sadie's POV


Caleb and I are at Mitch an Steph's right now. I'm explaining everything that went on with Kody and I last night and then Auston insisting that I stay in his guest room.

"-Just so you know, I have no problem with you and C staying with Mitch and I" Steph told me before the front door opened.

"Mitch must be home" I pointed out as Mitch walked into the living room.

"How was practice?" Steph asked him.

"Auston and Willy got into a fight" he replied, sitting on the couch next to Steph and picking C up.

"Oh Christ, over what?" I asked.

"You" he replied.

"I don't know why they're fighting over me. I'm not with either of them" I shrugged.

Mitch went on to explain what all went down and I couldn't help but groan.

"They need to stop" I told him.

"I agree. Willy broke up with you and you and Aus were never together, yet you're still a hot topic for them to talk about. I don't get it" he shrugged.

"I need to talk to Auston. There was so reason for him to make that comment about William and I's sex life and I'm gonna try to apologize to Willy for Aus being an ass" I sighed.

"I wouldn't bother with Willy because he went to Auston looking for trouble. Yeah, Auston shouldn't have escalated it but Willy started asking about you" he told me.

I sighed in frustration. He broke up with me and blocked me on everything. Why would he ask about me?

"I'll deal with that issue another time but I'm gonna go over to Auston's and talk to him. Your lovely fiancé said I can stay with you guys for a little bit, so I will be back to irritate you" I replied.

"Do you want us to watch Caleb?" Steph asked.

"No, Aus needs to spend some time with his kid before they leave" I replied.

"Okay, see you later!" She told me as I took C from Mitch and grabbed his diaper bag.

I walked out the front door and to my car. I put C in his carseat and got in the car.


I got to Auston's house. I didn't text him or anything that I was coming back over. I had C in my arms as I approached the front door, I rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer.

After about a minute, he finally opened the door.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked. I tried not to roll my eyes.

"I figured you wanted to see your son before you leave for your away games" I told him, not disclosing that I'm gonna be tearing into his ass for getting into a fight with William.

"Oh, okay" he shrugged, letting C and I in. We walked into his living room, I handed C to him and sat down on the couch.

"What's the real reason you came back over?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing stupid.

"Sadie, don't play dumb. What are you really here for?" He asked.

"Mitch said you and William got into a fight over me" I answered. He nodded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, he started it. He kept asking questions about you and I told him that you and I aren't together and if he wants you back, that's his problem and nobody is stopping him and then he said that if he got you back, we would just fuck behind his back again. I said that if he knew how to please you, you wouldn't need to come to me for seconds. After that it got a little blurry and we had to do laps on the ice" he told me. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"You egged him on by saying he didn't fuck me right" I replied.

"If he was, you wouldn't have needed me" he stated.

"Who said I needed you?" I asked. He remained silent.

"You kept coming back, so obviously you needed something from me" he spat.

"I don't need fucking shit from you, Auston. The only reason I ever fucked you is because you talked me into it. I had a good thing going with William. You're the reason for so many of the fights we had. He accused me of having feelings for you" I snapped.

"Well do you have feelings for me?" He asked. I swear to God I don't. Not after what he did to my relationship.

"Answer me" he demanded. I stayed silent. I don't have feelings for him. I swear I don't. That's what I'm gonna keep telling myself.

"Your silence speaks volumes, you know that right?" He asked. I still didn't answer him.

"You can tell me that you have feelings for me, you know that I love you. We can be a family" he said to me, looking me in my eyes and attempted to take my hand but I yanked it back.

"Not after what you did to my relationship" I stated.

"Your relationship was built on nothing but lies and lack of trust. You've done nothing but lie to him since the beginning, I did you both a favor" he replied. I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath in through my nose to prevent myself from blowing up.

"You made it to where my son and I don't have a stable home." I informed him.

"My son will never be homeless. You two will never be homeless. I won't allow it" he replied.

"No offense, Auston but you're one of the last people I would ever wanna live with" I told him.

"I'm not that bad!" he replied defensively.

"I've had a headache for the past almost two years and you're the reason for it" I told him.

"I didn't hear you complaining about that headache when you were screaming my name" he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"See! That's what I mean!" I pointed out.

"You know I'm right" he insisted. I shook my head in denial as Caleb started to cry. It's nap time for him.

"He's ready for a nap" I stated.

"I'll change his diaper and lay him down, if you make him a bottle to lay him down with" he offered. I nodded as he picked him up. I handed him a diaper out of the diaper bag and went into the kitchen to clean his bottle and make him a fresh bottle of formula.

By the time I was done making his bottle, Auston already had him in bed. I took his bottle into his room and gave it to him.

I walked back out to the living room and sat down on the couch with Auston.

"You wanna order lunch and watch a movie?" He asked. I was just gonna go back over to Steph's until he was ready for me to get C but I guess I'll stay over.

"I guess" I shrugged.

"Chipotle sound good?" He asked. I nodded as he pulled up Doordash, he picked what he wanted and handed me his phone to pick what I want.

"I'll Cashapp you the price of my food" I told him.

"I'll send it right back to you. This is my treat" he insisted. I groaned as I handed his phone back to him.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked. I shrugged. He huffed at my answer and went to Netflix and scrolled until something caught his eye.

Eventually, our food showed up and we ate and watched our movie.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now