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It's been a couple weeks since William and I got back together, I'm about sixteen weeks along now. Auston hasn't talked to me since that fight we had, thank God.

I really regret telling Auston that I'm pregnant with his child. He's the most irritating person to deal with.

While Auston has been leaving me alone, he's been bothering Will at practice and at games. William let's it go in one ear and out the other but it's still really pissing him off. Mitch and Steph have tried talking to Aus but he doesn't wanna hear anything they have to say and wants to act like he's the victim.

Everybody is tired of Auston, from what Steph tells me, Mitch doesn't really wanna be around him anymore and they're best friends.

Anyway, I'm going to their game for tonight. It's been a while since I've seen them play in person. Of course, I still watch them on TV but it's not the same. Even when William and I were broken up, I was still cheering him on for every game they played.

I can't wait to see him play in person. He's the reason why I care about hockey, yeah, Auston got me to pay attention to it and start to care about it, but he's not my reason to care about it anymore. I love watching Willy do what he loves. It makes me fall deeper and deeper into love with him seeing him get excited about his job.

I got to the arena and went to will call to get my ticket. I was led to the WAGS booth and I sat with Steph. There was a new girl in the room that I didn't recognize.

"Whose girlfriend is that?" I whispered to Steph.

"Auston's. Nobody here is a big fan of her" she said rolling her eyes. The girl must be a real class act if none of the other wives and girlfriends like her.

"Cute" I chuckled as the guys emerged from the tunnel.


The game finished, they lost against the Calgary Flames by four points. It was a 0-4 game. I just know William is upset over this, he doesn't take losses very well, understandably.

Auston's new girlfriend wasn't being very supportive during the game either. Her eyes were glued to her phone the entire time. Like why are you gonna come to the game, if you aren't going to watch it? What's the point?

We're all down by the locker rooms to retrieve our men.

Will emerged out of the lockerroom, his hair damp from just taking a shower. He was wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts and he didn't look very happy.

"You did great out there, babe" I told him, trying to grab his hand, but he wouldn't let me.

"If I did good, we wouldn't have lost." He mumbled.

"You did your best and that's what matters" I assured him.

"My best doesn't matter if I'm not scoring goals or winning games." He replied as we exited the arena.

"I'm just trying to cheer you up" I told him.

"I didn't ask for you to cheer me up" he snapped. I brushed it off, I know he had a rough game, so I'm not gonna dwell too much into it.

"I love you" I told him. He ignored me as we approached his car.

"William..." I said his name as we got in his car. He continued to ignore me.

"William" I said his name again. Still ignoring me.

"If you're gonna act like this, I'm just gonna go home" I told him.

"Then fucking go!" He yelled. I was taken aback, he never yells. My eyes welled up with tears, I'm super sensitive, so I cry any time someone yells at me.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now