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I just got off work and William just came back from his trip a couple hours ago. We're gonna meet each other at my place. I know Kody won't mind William being there before me.

Kody damn near lost his mind when he found out that I was hooking up with William. His initial reaction was 'how do you keep pulling hockey players?' which sounded worse than he intended but he cleared it all up with Willy to make sure he didn't think I was a puck slut or something.

I turned onto my street and pulled into the driveway, Willy was already there. He was sitting on the front porch, waiting for me. I got out of my car and ran up to him and practically jumped into his arms.

"I. Missed. You. So. Much." I told him, kissing him between each word.

"I missed you, too, beautiful" he replied. I let him go and we went inside, out of the cold. Kody was playing his game, as usual.

"Can you guys please be quiet this time? It's gross to hear my sister getting a pounding" Kody asked, gagging at the end of his statement. I can't blame him, I'd be disgusted if I heard him having sex.

"Okay, that's fair because I'd be grossed out if I heard you having sex. We'll try to keep the noise to a minimum, can't make any guarantees, though" I told him.

"Gross" he replied.

"Not my fault that he knows how to hit it" I laughed.

"Willy, if you're gonna bang her, cover her mouth or something. I really don't wanna hear her screaming 'oh my god. Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum William'" my brother told William, mocking me moaning when Will and I have sex. My cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"I'll keep that in mind" Willy laughed. I rolled my eyes and took his hand and led him to my room. I shut the door behind us and we immediately stripped down.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be a little... crude, sometimes" I stated.

"You're good. It was funny" he chuckled. I pushed him onto the bed and straddled his hips.

"You gotta be the dominant one more often, this is hot" he smirked before I slammed my lips into his.


We finished and laid next to each other, breathless.

"Sex with you will never get old" he breathed. I smiled at him.

"This is the most action I have ever gotten" I joked. I've never had this much sex with one person. I lost my virginity to my first boyfriend, we only had sex like five times. My second boyfriend, who happens to be my most recent ex, we had sex like ten times in the nine months we were together.

William and I have had sex at least forty times since we started screwing around with each other. It's not as good as sex with Auston but it's close, I don't have any complaints.

"You're so hot, I don't understand how any man you're with can keep their hands to themselves" he told me.

"Sex was never a priority in any of my relationships, I always wanted to have it but they didn't" I explained.

"Crazy. You're perfect in every way, I can't imagine not wanting to fuck your brains out" he replied. He has such a way with words.

"You have such a way with words, William" I stated, rolling my eyes, jokingly.

"It's true. Anyway, you wanna grab a bite to eat?" He asked.

"Yeah, but can we shower first? I don't wanna smell like sex" I asked. He nodded and we headed to my bathroom to shower.

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