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It's been a week since William went home. It's been really lonely, usually he'll talk to me for most of the day when he's on a road trip for games but he's spending time with his family and is mainly focused on them. I forgot what it was like to not revolve all of my time around a man.

I'm going over to Steph's, right now. She should be getting off of work soon and I'm bored and she's my only friend that isn't William.

I pulled into Steph's driveway and parked. Her car is here, so I was right about her being off work. I turned off my car and got out. I walked towards the frontdoor and rang the doorbell. She says I can just walk in and not to ring the doorbell, but I don't feel comfortable doing that.

After about a minute, I rang the doorbell again and after about thirty seconds, the door opened. It was Auston. It's taking everything within me not to roll my eyes.

"Steph isn't home" he said, plainly.

"Her car is here" I stated.

"She took Mitch's car, her car needs to go to the shop, it won't stay running" he explained.

"Oh okay" I replied.

"I mean, you're more than welcome to come in and wait, she should be off work soon" he told me.

"No, I can come back" I told him.

"Stop being weird. Just chill in the living room until she comes back instead of wasting gas" he insisted. This is the most we've talked in six months, this is also the first time in a long time that he's not being an ass to me.

"Fine" I sighed, pursing my lips. He let me in and led me to the living room. I sat down on the couch and he sat on the other side of couch.

"So..." he said awkwardly, attempting to make small talk.

"So..." I replied, twiddling my thumbs.

"How are you and Willy doing?" He asked.

"Good" I stated, simply. It fell silent. Neither of us felt the want or need to continue the conversation. It was fucking awkward. I've gotten over the fact that he threw me to the side but I'll always be a little salty about it.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Auston decided to break it.

"I'm sorry." He sighed.

"For what?" I asked.

"For everything, I'm sorry for using your trust of me to get you into bed. You deserved better than that and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting my nose in your relationship with Willy. I'm sorry for being a dick to you" he told me.

"It's fine, I guess. I've gotten over it" I shrugged.

"I'm surprised you didn't go home with Willy for a couple weeks" he stated.

"I'm not ready to meet his family, yet. How come you're not down in Arizona with your family?" I asked.

"I'm gonna be going later in the summer" he replied.

"Gotcha" I replied.

"Does he treat you right?" He asked.

"Yeah. He treats me like a princess. Does Jordyn treat you right?" I asked.

"We broke up shortly after you and William got together" he stated, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, sorry" I replied, awkwardly.

"Yeah..." he said. Right as he said that, the door swung open and Steph entered the living room.

I got up and walked over to her as Auston walked to his room.

"Thank God you showed up, I just talked to Auston for the first time in like six months and it was the most fucking awkward conversation in the world" I told her.

"I mean at least he wasn't a dick to you?" She stated.

"He apologized, Stephanie. He apologized for literally everything" I stated in disbelief.

"Him apologize? Did Hell freeze over? That man is so stubborn, he doesn't even apologize when he accidentally eats Mitch's food" she replied, in shock as well.

"That's what I'm saying, he has so much pride and for him to apologize, shocks me" I replied.

"Maybe he apologized because he misses you?" she suggested.

"Doubt that. There's no way he misses me, we weren't even together. We had a fling and that was it" I told her.

"I mean, it's possible, that's all I'm saying" she told me.

"Maybe in a different dimension" I chuckled.

I don't think Auston misses me. If he missed me, he would've tried to get me back.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now