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It's been three days since William broke up with me. Caleb and I moved back in with Kody- not that we were fully out of there anyway but we'll be back there full time again. Kody doesn't know exactly why William and I broke up, I'm not ready to openly admit to everybody that I fucked everything up.

I had all of Caleb and I's stuff out of there relatively quickly and left behind the keys and anything William gave me.

We haven't talked since he broke up with me. I've texted and texted him but he won't answer. The last I heard from him was when he said 'k' when I told him that I locked everything up and left the key on the kitchen counter. He's blocked me on all social media, so I really have no way to get ahold of him. It really hurts. All I want is to talk with him and for him to tell me that he loves me but I know it won't happen.

Auston caused all of this and I know damn well he knows that William and I are no more but he won't fucking text or call me to ask if his son is doing okay in the midst of all of this.

Caleb may only be nine months old but William is the one he knows as his dad, Auston doesn't try hard enough. He cries out for 'dada' constantly and breaks my heart.

I just hope William knows that he's breaking C's heart as well. I doubt he cares though. C isn't his biological son, so I guess he doesn't exist in William's eyes anymore since we're not together.

"-Sadie, is it okay if C watches the game with me?" Kody asked, picking Caleb up out of his pack n play.

"I guess. His dad is on the team. I just won't be watching it, though." I shrugged.

"I'm gonna get Corey over here after the game and we're gonna go get shwasted" he told me.

"I really don't feel like drinking, Kody" I replied.

"Sades, I don't like seeing you sad" he stated.

"I deserve whatever I'm feeling right now" I told him.

"No, you don't. You don't deserve to have your heart broken" he replied.

"Yeah, I do. I fucked this one up bad" I stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed and tried to find the right way to explain what happened.

"I cheated on William more than once. More than twice. More than three times. I cheated on him more times than I can count on my hands. All with Auston." I started.

"...And William found out. Auston told him. William asked me about it and I spilled. William said he couldn't do it anymore and ended things right then and there" I continued. Kody looked at me in complete shock.

"Why'd you keep cheating on Willy?" He asked.

"I- I don't know. It just kept happening. I didn't plan for it. I didn't mean for it to happen but it did. I know it's a shitty explanation but I have no good reason for it" I shrugged.

"Why stay in a relationship if you can't commit?" He asked.

"I was committed" I replied.

"Obviously, you weren't if you cheated on him. Nobody who is one hundred percent committed cheats on their significant other" he told me.

"You don't know the full story, Kody!" I shot back.

"I know enough to know that you didn't appreciate William enough to stay loyal! You keep going back to the guy who is a total piece of shit and doesn't appreciate you!" He replied, raising his voice.

"Keep your fucking nose out of my love life, Kody! You don't know shit!" I spat.

"Keep talking to me this way, Sadie! I'm the one being nice enough to let you live in my house, rent free!" He shouted.

"I'll do you a favor! I'll go ahead and fucking leave, then you won't have to deal with me!" I yelled. Caleb started crying, so I took him from Kody. I went to mine and Caleb's room and grabbed some of my shit and threw it into a bag.

I threw the bag over my shoulder, picked Caleb back up and stormed out of the house. I went to my car and put him in his carseat.

I got in the car and began to drive. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going somewhere.

I'm not gonna go over to Corey's because Kody is gonna gossip about me to Corey and then I'll have to hear it from him too.

I guess I'm gonna drive around until the game is over because I know Steph is at the game, so I won't be able to get ahold of her.

She knows William and I broke up but I haven't exactly explained the reasoning. All I've pretty much told her is that it was my fault that our relationship ended and that I fucked up bad, but she's pretty smart, so she was probably able to put two and two together.


Two updates in one day because I'm bored. I know yall are probably relieved that Willy knows how scummy she is finally


Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora