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I've decided that I'm gonna go to the game. I'm not doing this for Auston. I'm doing this for Caleb. He deserves to see his dad do what he loves.

With that being said, I'm already at the arena and it feels awkward as hell being here. Steph is the only WAG that isn't giving me the evil eye.

I already feel enough shame for hurting William without them silently judging me. They won't say anything to my face but they sure as hell will talk behind my back- because that's what they do when they don't like a player's girlfriend or wife and I've been guilty of it.

"Just ignore the others, they're literally basing their opinion of you on what their boyfriends and husbands have told them and their husbands and boyfriends don't know the full story. You know these people thrive off of drama" Steph whispered to me, so the others wouldn't hear her. She right.

"You're right... But it's still uncomfortable but I need to remember that I'm only here because C deserves to see his dad play" I whispered back to her.

"That's right" she replied.

We continued to watch them warm up and waited for the game to start.


The game ended, they went into overtime and then a shootout and won. That was a really stressful game.

Caleb and I went to go find Auston since Auston wants to take Caleb for the night.

We eventually found Auston, he just finished doing shit with media.

"You did great out there" I told him.

"Thank you" he smiled.

"I'm glad you came" he told me.

"I figured it wasn't fair to deprive C of seeing his dad play" I replied.

"Did any of the girls give you issues?" He asked.

"No, but they did just glare at me the entire time" I told him.

"Just ignore them. They don't know the full story" he stated. I nodded as we exited the building.

"You're still wanting to take Caleb for the night, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. You wanna go get food with me before he gets put down for bed?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged. We walked over to his car. He took Caleb out of my arms and put him in his carseat. I made sure that Auston buckled him correctly and we both got in the car.

"I'll bring you back to your car after dinner" he told me.

We sat in the car in silence as he drove to our usual place to go get food.


We ate and now we're back at the ACC, he's dropping me back off at my car.

"Be good for daddy, Caleb. Mommy loves you" I told C, kissing him on the cheek.

"He will be, he's a pretty chill dude when he's with his dad" Auston chuckled.

"Just remember that he's cutting teeth, so if you can't get him to stop crying, you can give him Tylenol every four to six hours" I reminded him.

"Rub whiskey on his gums. Got it." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, Auston. Don't give our infant son alcohol" I stated.

"I was just joking. I'll be a responsible parent" he replied.

"You better be joking" I shot back.

"I ammmmm" he groaned, leaning against his car.

"We need to get going, you need to put C down for bed" I told him.

"You're right" he agreed as I shut the car door.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I stated, giving him a hug.

He held me for a little bit longer than a friend should.

"Aus, can you let me go?" I asked. He pulled back a little bit and looked me in the eyes.

I'm not sure where this is going but I don't know if I like it. Weird energy. Weird vibes.

"Aus, seriously, can you let me go?" I asked, breaking the weird silence.

"Oh. Yeah" he replied, getting broken out of his trance.

"I- I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I assured him. He nodded as I walked over to my car.

That was fucking weird. I hope he's not letting his feelings for me take over again. We have a good thing going and I don't want it to be ruined.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz