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It's been about a month since I told William and Auston that I'm pregnant with Auston's kid. I've decided that I'm gonna keep the baby and just figure out how to make it work with or without Auston.

I thought about my options extensively and researched them but my heart wants to keep this baby. Logically, I should abort the baby or give it up for adoption but my heart won't let me. I love this thing and I don't even know what kind of person it'll be.

The nausea and vomiting has gotten worse, I'm lucky if I can keep down a pack of crackers and a few sips of water. I'm gonna be bringing it up to my doctor, today. I've lost twelve pounds in the past month and I don't think that's supposed to happen.

William hasn't talked to me in a month, which really upsets me but I understand why he isn't talking to me. I hope we can be together again at some point.

Auston also hasn't talked to me in a month, I'm not so upset about that because he's irritating but he is my child's father, so I thought maybe he would check up on me every now and then, but he hasn't. It is what it is, though.

I'm fourteen weeks along now, which puts me into my second trimester. I haven't felt the baby kick, yet, though. I'm sitting in the doctor's office, right now, so I'll find out if that's normal.

I'm just scrolling through social media, as I wait for my name to be called. I had a notification show up at the top of my screen, telling me that I have a text from Will.



Hey, I'm sorry I haven't
talked to you in over a
month, I've been
struggling with my
thoughts about this
situation as a whole.
Just know I do love you
and you're always on my


It's fine. I love you too

William 💔

What are you doing rn?


I'm at the doctor rn,
waiting to be called back.
Why what's up?

William 💔

You wanna get food
after you're done?


Sure. I'm just not
sure if I'll be able to
keep it down

William 💔

Okay! Just lmk
when u get done❤

My texting was interrupted by my name being called by a nurse. I got up and followed her.


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