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It's been two days. I'm still in labor. I'm still sitting at five centimeters dilated. They started the stuff to induce labor at around nine o'clock at night, the day I was admitted.

They broke my water yesterday. The contractions were brutal, so I got the epidural. It's coming up on the twenty-four hour mark since they broke my water and if I don't progress soon, they're probably gonna be doing a c-section.

They're having me do different things to try to get my labor to progress. They broke my water yesterday for the simple fact that I was stuck at five centimeters and I haven't progressed past that.

They cut off my epidural about four hours ago, to see if that's stalling my labor. All I know is that I want this to end, I'm starving.

Steph has been a dear through all of this. She took this entire week off to be with me. I can't thank her enough.


It's been two hours, a nurse just came in to check my cervix.

I'm. Still. At. Five.

"I'm gonna be getting the doctor and some paperwork. We're gonna be informing you of the risks and you do have the right as a patient to decline a cesarean" she told me.

"At this point, I don't care, I want this to end" I lightly chuckled. I'm exhausted, I'm starving, I'm ready to leave this place.

"Alright, we'll be in here as soon as we can" she replied. I nodded as she exited the room.

"Looks like you get to put scrubs on" I told Steph.

"Are you scared?" She asked.

"A little bit but I just want this labor to end" I replied.

"You're gonna do great, babes" she assured me.

"I really do appreciate you being with me through all of this and being my cheerleader" I told her.

"This is what friends are for" she smiled.

I decided to text Auston and William to let them know that I'm having a c-section. He won't reply, they're playing a game, right now.



I know you're
playing a game but
I'm having a c-section
my labor just about
completely stalled out

I sent William the same text. They're not gonna reply until like ten. I decided to let my brothers know, I sent them just about the same text. I'm too tired to text them each something different, so copy paste it is.

The doctor, nurse, and anesthesiologist eventually came in to explain the risks and everything like that, and have me sign paperwork.

They had the OR already prepped and went ahead and wheeled me back and had Steph dress into scrubs. They gave me this nasty drink to keep me from throwing up.

We got into the OR, they had me get onto the bed, it was freezing cold in the room. They had me get into the same position I was in for the epidural.

They did my spinal and got me moved completely onto the bed as quick as possible. They waited for my body to get fully numb and inserted the catheter.

Everything became a daze, whatever they injected me with has me feeling pretty good. They had the drape up and they tied my arms down to keep me from trying to reach through the drape.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant