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"-Aus get off of me, Will is facetiming me!" I told Auston, shoving him off of me. It was about nine o'clock at night. We have a week left here in Arizona. Auston and I sneak into each other's rooms every night after Caleb falls asleep and shack up.

We were in the middle of having sex when Will called me. I threw on a shirt and panties real quick before I answered and Aus put on shorts.

"Hey baby" he smiled.

"Hey" I replied.

"What are you up to?" He asked. Auston was rubbing me through my underwear, I was trying not to react.

"Auston and I just got C down for bed, you?" I asked, trying not to take a deep breath or bite my lip when Aus put his head between my legs and pushed my underwear to the side and started to flick his tongue against my clit.

"Nothing, just laying in bed- thinking about you. I can't wait for you to get home." He sighed.

"What's waiting for me when I get home?" I asked suggestively. It's eleven out there, he only calls that late when he's horny. I'm gonna use Auston eating me out to my advantage.

"This" he replied lowly, turning his camera around. His dick in his hand. Wild.


William and I got off the phone. Auston glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I was the one making you cum but you were thinking about him" he mumbled.

"What did you want me to do? He's my boyfriend and he was horny" I asked.

"You make yourself cum. Don't use me. I shouldn't know what my teammate sounds like when he moans" he replied.

"I'm sorry, it was wrong but you were messing with me while I was talking to him" I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"He interrupted what we had going on" he shrugged.

"You seem to forget that this arrangement is only for the time we're out here. I still have a boyfriend" I responded.

"You don't care that you have a boyfriend until he calls, then you act like you're the most faithful girlfriend in the world. He's always been your second choice. You went with him to spite me at that party, you wouldn't fully commit to him and label your relationship until he found out you cheated on him- you're only with him because he's such a simp for you that he doesn't care what you do to hurt him, he'll always be there no matter what. He's the only one who's willing to put up with your shit" he spat.

"He's a simp but you're still going after me even though you ended our little fling almost two years ago?" I questioned.

"That's different. I would've left you if you cheated on me, Willy is so stupidly in love with you- he doesn't care what you do. I personally would've ended things the minute I found out you were pregnant with another guy's baby" he replied.

"While you're down talking William, just remember that he's the one that makes sure your son has a father figure when you're too lazy to show up. He's the one who took care of me after my c-section. He's the one who takes night feedings, so I can sleep. He's everything you're not." I snapped.

"You're right. He's everything I'm not because I'm not a fucking idiot that's so obsessed with a girl that he doesn't realize that she's walking all over him" he shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"Roll your eyes all you want, it's true. I love Willy but he deserves better than you" he shrugged. Ouch.

"And you think you deserve me?" I asked.

"Yeah. We're both kinda scummy" he admitted.

"I'm not scummy" I argued.

"You're cheating on your boyfriend. That's pretty scummy and I'm scummy for knowingly being your side dick" he shrugged.

"I don't need dick from you" I told him.

"I'm sure you don't but Willy obviously isn't fucking you right if you keep coming back" he chuckled.

"He fucks me perfectly fine. I keep coming back because I'm an idiot" I confessed. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me.

"I thought you were mad at me?" I asked.

"I am but we only have a week left of this and I wanna soak it up for as long as I can" he replied kissing the nape of my neck.

"C is waking up" I told him.

"The kid's a cockblock" he groaned.

"Just feed him and change his diaper, then we can cuddle and go to sleep" I told him.

"I don't wanna just cuddle" he whined as he made Caleb a bottle.

"It's late, Aus. We're supposed to go to breakfast with your parents and sisters in the morning" I reminded.

"I got you off and Willy cockblocked me" he told me.

"Fine. We'll have a quickie" I caved. I'm not opposed to having sex with him again tonight, it's just late. Keeping up with this man's sex drive is like running a marathon and since having Caleb, my sex drive is significantly lower than what it used to be.

I used to be able to go five or six times in a day, now I can go once or twice a day or sometimes once every couple days.

"God I love you" he smiled as he fed our son. I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder.

Bad Choices || Auston MatthewsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin