Chapter 32

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Short Chapter, Filler before Pre-Finale. 


TWS: Withdraws, ED mentions, Self Harms mentions, Dissociation 


2 days later

"DUDE YOU GUYS HEAR TECHNOS IN HOSPITAL SO THEIR TEAMS OUT FOR CHAMPIONSHIPS!?" Tubbo calls out, quickly sitting beside Tommy at the cafeteria table. Dream simply shrugs continuing to eat his chips. 

"He what?" George sighs, shock in his eyes. 

"Broken leg and arm, he got jumped after the party he was out for 2 days" Tommy explains. 

"Geeee I wonder who did it?"  Quackity chuckles, immediately drawing his eyes to Dream who scoffs. 

"You go near my boyfriend you get hurt, you drug him, I fucking kill you, or get close to it. Simple" Dream shrugs, tossing his arm around George's shoulders pulling them into a side hug. 

"What if you get expelled" George whispers, anxiously fiddling with his hands. 

"If he wants to stay out of prison for dealing drugs and drugging you, he'll keep his mouth shut, I was quite persuasive when telling him to keep quiet" Dream chuckles. Both their eyes meeting for a second, anxiety evident in the brunette's expression whilst Dream played it off as nothing. 

The bell finally rings, signalling for the final class of the day, George was alone in this class, leaving himself and the voices in his head that begged him to break every promise he made. He didn't understand, he had a family who loved him, friends who loved and cared for him, a boyfriend who protected and loved him, people who cared. Yet he felt alone, entirely alone... 

Like a small piece of dust abandoned in his own mind. Perhaps it was the recurring thought of disappointing them, perhaps it was his parents being so eager to rid of him, perhaps it was entirely the thought that everyone was ok without him. But that was the thought that hit him the hardest, like a hard punch in the stomach that knocked the air from his lungs, forcing a breath of fresh air to rid his mind away from those intrusive thoughts. 

He didn't want this... He didn't want to resort to his old habits, he didn't want to stop eating, he didn't want to draw the blade deeper each day... He didn't want any of it, but his body and mind were out of his control, the darkest fragment of his mind controlling each and every movement he made. The world around him falling into that familiar cycle of self-doubt and fear of his life collapsing. 

It's crazy when you think about it. 

How quickly the world around you can change from hopefully to collapsing darkness. 

From only seeing the love. 

To only seeing the dark. 

From wanting to live.

To wanting to die. 

From never-ending freeze in time

To a freeze in the demon's movements. 

From being ok.

To being dead.

But which of those applied to George?

Which of those would change the lovers lives forever?


Yay chapter.

Thoughts? -----> 

Happy or sad ending? -------> 

Everyones fave show rn? Mines Riverdale :b

Love you all Happy Reading <3 

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