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I walked down the long hallways guided by Gaurdmens as we headed towards the main fields for battle. Taehyung is walking to my right as we both walked quietly while my guardsmen surrounded us. We made it to the main field as 1000's of Royals sat on the sides of the gated grassed field.

Everyone was here to witness this. It even made the paper which I wasn't so happy about. I walked to my side of the fields and I turned my back towards Taehyung and he took my Drape off my shoulders.

I looked towards my father's side of the field and saw him wrapping his hands in thick tape. He locked eyes with me and for the first time he didn't look at me with no emotions in his eyes. Just rage and hunger all in one like a mad man.

"Hey!" Taehyung said bumping me making me snap my thoughts back to reality.

"You ready?" He asked with a serious face while he wrapped my hands in tape.

"Where's Jeon?" I asked looking around.

"He's on his way, I got you." Taehyung assured.

I nodded and blew air out my mouth and started to get my mind focused. I was being strapped in small protective gear for the basic injury's if I fall. I guided my eyes over to the stands and finally I saw Lilly with Rose and Marie on the sides of her. I saw Lilly drop her face into her hands beginning to cry and Marie and Rose confronted her.

I broke.

"Hey Tae I can't do this!" I said to him.

"What?" Taehyung asked confused.

"I have to get to Lilly before-"

"GENTLEMEN PREPARE YOUR MEN FOR BATTLE!" The announcer yelled over the mega phone making me snap my head towards his voice.

"Your highness you made a agreement! We trained you and your ready! Don't bitch out now!" Taehyung said to me before pushing me towards my horse.

I got on throwing my leg around my horse and waited for the whistle to blow to signal us to come out on the field. I kept seeing Lilly in my Peripheral view...I even heard her cry out a couple of times over the sound of people voices. I trembled as I held my self together. I can't look at her or I'll break. I won't be able to do this. I watched as my father got on his horse and locked eyes with me again then looked away.

"Your highness." I called to Taehyung and he came beside me looking up.

"Yes your highness." He answered.

"If I die...promise me that you will take care of Lilly for me." I said looking down at him.

"You won't die, so stop talking like you already lost." Taehyung said coldly.


"Jin shut the fuck up talking like that. Suck it up and fight for Lilly! Get that father shit out your head. You are no longer his son right now. You think he's over there thinking about you? NO!" Taehyung started as he kept his eyes on me but pointed towards my father's direction.

I swallowed hard and listened as he glared up at me on my horse.

"MEN PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" The announcer said loudly.

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