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~February 1

"I can't wait to see you guys this month! Please have safe travels to me

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"I can't wait to see you guys this month! Please have safe travels to me." I said talking to Capri, Bridget and Marie.

"Of course we will...we riding with a princess, they not letting us get hurt." Bridget said making me laugh.

"I'm so excited for my dress Lilly." Princess Marie said taking the phone from Bridget.

" Oh Princess, when you see this dress... your going love it." I said admiring my work gazing at the finished dress.

" Capri how is the royal family? I heard your taking care of Prince Liam now." I asked excitedly.

" How beautiful is he?" I asked.

"He has the face of Prince Charming. He's so polite to me." Capri said now on the phone.

I heard my girls giggling in the background and that only made me miss my friends more. The distance kills me sometimes since they are overseas.

"How are the men there? I heard they are like models?" Bridget asked.

"There are so many fine young men here in the castle . Even in surrounding villages." I said.

" Definitely can't wait to see." Princess Marie said making us " Ooooo" at her.

" Watch your sinful thoughts your highness." I said laughing.

" Please Lilly, they flash almost every suitor that fits me but the men in general do not get my attention to be my prince to marry. I'm a single Princess." Marie said.

"Definitely understand that." I said back.

"So who are your eyes laid on lately?" Capri asked.

"Who? Me? Nobody just the same man I see everyday is Prince Jin and our two male friends." I said shrugging.

"Wait! Prince Seokjin?? I heard he is Stunning!" Bridget said now on the phone.

I heard the girls in the back ground laughing and giggling while agreeing.

"Well when you guys arrive in a few weeks he will be the first face you see next to mine." I said nodding my head.

My door opened and in came Jin right on time for his morning routine.

"Ladies I must get off the phone. I love you girls. Talk to you soon." I said hearing them say bye at once making my heart flutter.

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