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Lilly POV

February 15

I rushed down the crowed hallways towards the entrance of the castle to catch my friends arrival. When the village and everyone in the castle found out Princess Marie will be staying here they created a frenzy. I'm just so happy that my 3 Best friends are going to be with me for a month! I had on a nice autumn brown dress on that softly fit my curves and my hair was in a tight curly bun. Once I made it towards the front I looked around quickly to find the king and queen to stand beside and walked to them.

" Are they near yet?" I asked The king and queen with a big smile.

" Almost. We have never seen you so happy like this Lilly." The king said smiling at me.

" I'm just so excited to see my friends, I'm never around women much." I replied making the queen smile at me.

My excitement was making them happy for me.

" Thank you so much again your majesty and my king for allowing them to stay." I said bowing.

" You are our family Lilly, always welcomed." The queen said sweetly to me.

I smiled back and on perfect timing Jin came walking up. My smile dropped and I continue to look forward. I forgot he was going to be present for her arrival. The whole family. He stood beside me and I could feel his eyes piercing the side of my face as he looked down at me. I kept looking forward. We haven't been on good terms lately since that day at the board meeting. I haven't spoke to him since. I still groom him everyday but in silence.

"You look beautiful Lilly." Jin said for the first time in two weeks to me.

I ignored him and kept looking forward to not miss Marie's carriage. Jin opened his mouth to speak again but Jasmine came walking up to Jin and she turned his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

Interrupting my thoughts, the trumpets started playing and my eyes lit up seeing Marie beautiful carriage roll up by white horses. The crowd went wild welcoming her, the energy was almost over welming. I looked around seeing everyones happy faces. Once the carriage stopped two guards men opened her door and stepping out of course is Princess Marie in this beautiful blue gown and tiara that seem to blind everyone. She is stunning. Following her finally Bridget and Capri stepped out looking beautiful.

" Welcome to our castle Princess." The king and queen said standing in front of her.

They both bowed at each other.

"It is an honor." Marie said with her hypnotic smile.

"This is our son Prince Seokjin and his bride to be Lady Jasmine." The queen introduced them.

"Your highness." They all bowed along with Jin and Jasmine.

I couldn't hold my composure anymore so I screamed a little and once we all saw each other we squealed and did a group hug. Feeling their embrace made me so happy. I needed this. We all started talking at once from excitement ignoring everyone around until the king cleared his throat.

" I apologize my king, we are just so happy to see each other." I said holding their hands.

The king smiled. " I know girls, Lilly go ahead and lead them to their rooms." He Nicely said letting us finally be free. "Have fun girls."

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