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Jin Pov
October 27

I tossed and Turned as my body wouldn't allow me to sleep. Tomorrow is the day I either see God or Live and honestly I'm not even scared.

Death never scared me but I'm more worried about Lilly and the baby. Iv been a terrible husband so far and I hope she knows I'm craving her to be around me. I miss laying my head on her belly and feeling a kick from the baby.

I miss her humming as she rubbed my face.

I missed her warm body.

I just miss her.

I turned my head to my clock on the wall and read "2:10am" before tuning my head back to my original position. I slowly got up and groaning from days of soreness and stretched. I put my shirt back on and Robe and made my way out my room.

I know I told my self I can't be around her while I train but technically I am done training. Just in case this so the last time I'm here breathing I want to spend my last night with her I don't care.

As I made it closer to her door I heard mumbled voices coming from behind her door and pressed my ear to it to listen.

Rose Pov

"So you and This Duke Hoseok... Y'all have been shacked up huh?" Lilly asked me as we laid facing each other on her bed.

I nodded. "I can't wait for you to meet him." I smiled. "He's the most sweetest, bravest, goofiest,Sexiest-"

"Okay Rose I get it I get it." Lilly said cutting me off while we laughed.

"I really needed this. It's been so hard for me the past couple of days." Lilly said placing a hand on her stomach.

I watched as she begun to tear up again. Ever since she came back she's been crying and to be honest I'm so mad at jin for this. He's putting my sister and the little one through so much stress and I can't imagine how Lilly must feel. It hurts to watch your own sister who is normally the stronger one break down and crumble before your eyes. The baby is about to be here and instead of planning for the appropriate timing for the baby arrival, she's been crying for Jin with mixed emotions.

"Eveything will be okay. You have Marie, Capri, Tae,Jeon and of course me that are always looking out for you." I said placing my hand on her face.

"What about...w-what about Jin?" Lilly started to break down and cry.

I pulled her into my arms and let her once again let out her cries. I closed my eyes and rubbed her back as I felt her tremble in my embrace.

"I can't loose him Rose." Lilly cried out. "If I loose him I will...I'll be alone." She cried again .

"Our child won't have a father...Jin...I don't want him to do this!" Lilly cried loudly muffled in my clothes.

"What about me Rose? Does he not love me enough for us to just leave right now and go home??" Lilly asked now looking up at me with once again red wet eyes.

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