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Taehyung's Pov
October 6
Present Day

After a long travel from Africa Marie and I finally made it back to my country. As we approach Jins castle by Royal carriage I saw the thousands of people standing around waiting for our arrival.

It sometimes feels weird and overwhelming that people are now cheering and happy to see me. I know Marie is the main priority but it's nice to now share this type of life with her.

Other than this feeling..I'm actually not in a good mood. Coming back to this Castle brought back memories that hurt to much and the fact that I had to come home due to my bitter mother makes me sick. As we approached the castle my leg started to shake from being mad and anxious all in one. I bit my lip as I watched the crowd of people cheer by the entrance of the castle.

Marie slipped her hand in mine and I snapped my head her way.

"It's okay I'm right here with you." Marie said sweetly.

I watched as she placed her hand on my thigh to stop it from shaking.

"I apologize for my behavior, this isn't how a prince should act." I said ashamed.

"Hey.. your still human..and your my husband."Marie said placing her hand on the side of my face. "We are going to get through this together. I'm here for you."

I smiled and pecked her lips. "Thank you for understanding me." I said feeling blessed to have her.

The carriage came to a stop and we both looked out the window and saw Jin's Father The King and The queen standing centered of the red walk way. Seeing the king made me see pure red....it's been months since we both angrily encountered each other.

I stepped out hearing the crowd cheer and grabbed Marie hand to help her out the carriage. She wrapped her arm in mine and we walked together approaching them.

The queen greatly smiled at the sight of us.

"Well Taehyung...or should I say Prince Taehyung." The queen bowed her head down for respect.

I smiled slightly and bowed fully along with Marie. "How are you my queen?"

She opened her mouth to speak but the king stepped in.

"Is that the only person you see?"The king rudely asked.

I snapped my eyes at him and I felt Marie place her hand in the middle of my back to calm down. We had a stare down for a couple of seconds before Marie spoke.

"How about we catch up inside?"Marie said and the queen quickly agreed.

The king and queen turned towards the castle and we followed them inside.

Once inside as we made our way down the halls I couldn't help but to feel nostalgic and sadness in one. I looked at all the pictures on table stands of Me,Jin,Jeon and Lilly and felt teary.

Some even had Rose in it when she would visit from time to time. Flashbacks of us as young kids ran through my mind happily and I smiled thinking about it. It's crazy how things are really different since we've grown to be adults.

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