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Lilly Pov

October 21

"Please eat sweetheart." The Queen said to me holding a fork full of eggs by my mouth.

"You still have to eat just for the baby." The queen said looking at me worried.

I'm back in my old room, sitting on my old bed with extremely puffy red eyes from crying non stop. Jin hasn't came back...I feel so numb like I'm in a daze and this isn't real. I looked blankly at the queen but mentally I'm not here anymore.

" W-Why would he do this to me?" I asked barley at a whisper. " He didn't even look at me."

I felt tears building up again and the queen sat beside me on the bed and like a daughter to a mother I laid my head on her thigh. Again I started to cry feeling a headache coming on.
The queen has one hand on my belly and the other rubbing the side of my face. I heard her start to pray over me and the baby and all I still could do is cry. I'm trying to stop but I'm to weak. I felt the baby kick around making me flinch in pain a little and the queen rubbed my stomach gently finishing her prayer.

" Lilly when I first met your mother we weren't so close like you and Jin but we always had respect for each other. We were teenagers at the time and she was the only person that I was closest too. Years later and when I got married and she had to leave I cried just like this...and I was pregnant with Jin at the time. She would place a hand on my stomach and one hand would caress me. She would pray on and on and on until I found the strength to get up." The queen said softly as my heavy cries became a silent one.

" Jin doesn't love me." I said through tears.

" He actually does my Lilly." She started. " I knew he love you more than Jasmine from the way he would get nervous when you enter a room. The way he would put you first, praise your work....even when you two had little arguments he would everyday figure out ways to speak to you. I don't like how he up and left us...and I'm very sorry about my husband attitude towards you but Jin didn't know this....when we found out he left with you that night I was actually happy he made that jump."

I turned my head upwards to look at her as she looked down at me. " I'm so sorry your majesty."

She shook her head. " No..nothing is your fault. You have done right by my son and I wouldn't want him with anyone else." The queen making me crack a smile for the first time since yesterday.

I flinched again from the baby kicking me in my ribs and the queen sat me up and held my breakfast by my mouth again.

" Please eat Lilly. Be strong for the baby." The queen said with concerned eyes.

I opened my mouth and she smiled once I started to eat. Even in this dark time, the taste of fresh breakfast had me mentally moaning. I took the fork and started to feed myself as I heard the queen run a bath. I finished my whole plate feeling full and the queen laid out a new house dress that will fit me. I'm not uncomfortable with my body but stripping off my clothes and sitting in a little warm bath in front of the queen I felt relaxed. She's being motherly to me, she knows what stress can do to a baby and I'm so thankful for her.

As she brushed my hair and hummed I started to cry again at the thought of Jin. I miss him.

I miss the way he looks at me.

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