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Jins POV

Once I saw Lilly walk in my heart felt like it was about to explode. I was wondering why Princess Marie didn't have Lilly come in with the rest of them but once I saw Jeon on her arm that's when I knew. I was confused. I haven't seen Jeon in so long and now he pops up with Lilly on his arm? I couldn't keep my eyes of of her... Iv never seen her look so beautiful like this? Her hair was down... The way Lavender complimented her dark skin had me feeling all sorts of ways. Lilly made eye contact with me then looked away. I saw her walk to her friends and hand one of them something with a smile. I wanted to hear everything so I separated from Jasmine slickly and walked nearby to listen to the conversation.

"Everyone please meet my Good friend Sir Jeon." Lilly said introducing him as he bowed.

"Jeon this is Princess Marie my good friend along with Bridget...you know rose and this is Cap-"

"Capri?" Jeon cut in.

"Jeon? From the market?" Capri eyes lit up.

"Wow...I wasn't expecting to see you here. I-it's so nice to see you again." Jeon said now grabbing her hand and giving it a slight kiss.

"You two have met?" Lilly asked.

"Yes I met her this morning." Jeon said.

"Well I actually fell on him when I was getting some spices and he caught me." Capri said embarrassingly giggling.

They both kept looking at each other happily. Iv never seen Jeon like this. I guess I thought wrong with him and Lilly getting to close. He has way more muscles now...he's different.

"Well I'm going to mingle around. Care to join me girls?" Marie asked them.

They all nodded and left Capri and Jeon alone for awhile. They seem to really like each other. I wanted to confront Jeon but it isn't appropriate right now. Jasmine found me again and this time stuck by me as we walked around. I made sure to keep my eyes on Lilly in between conversation. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was being lively with everyone...so confident with that bright smile. Once again this was a new sight for me. A lot of Royal men seemed to like The 4 of them. Then my face dropped once I saw Prince Woosik Of China walk to her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I couldn't help but to tell you how beautiful you look." Woosik said bowing to her.

"Oh thank your your highness." Lilly said with a blushing smile.

"Your name princess?" He asked.

I saw Lilly stumble over her words trying to figure out what to say.

"Her name is Lilly." Marie came in to the rescue.

"Lilly...that matches your beauty well." He said with a smile. "Would you join me for a little walk." He asked sticking his arm out for her to grab.

She hesitated a little but then found the courage to grab his arm and they started to walk around getting to know each other. She even walked past me without noticing.

"Sweetheart." Jasmine said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes my love, sorry." I said snapping back.

"I asked you would you like to go somewhere private for a while. We can come back." Jasmine asked with seductive eyes.

Here comes the asshole part of me...

"Sure, meet me in my chambers, I'll be up there in a few." I said kissing her cheek sweetly.

She smiled back and was escorted out the ballroom. I figured I can finally get some answers out of everyone since apparently this was a night of unexpectedable situations. I watched as she left and once she was gone I hurringly scanned the room for Lilly. I walked around ignoring others but couldn't find her.

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