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We arrived by Royal Carriage at Jasmine Family Dinner. It was a lot of her family here from other countries. A lot of kings and queens... princes too.

It's funny, every prince I looked at had a face of dread and sorrow. I guess we all didn't want to be here. The horsemen opened the carriage and my mother got out first then my dad. I was last to get out and once I did, a big banner with "Welcome Royal Family and Prince Seokjin" caught my eye. I guess her family is excited for our engagement.
I mentally rolled my eyes and made my way in with my parents leading.

People bowed and greeted us as we continue to make our way deeper into the main ball room. I gave off fake smiles but made sure to behave since this will be my family. I grabbed a champagne glass from one of the caddies and stood beside my mother. My dad walked around alone for a good minute mingling with people.

"Sooooooo." My mom started.

"Yessssssss." I said back to her.

"How are you and Jasmine really doing?" She asked making me bite my bottom lip.

"She's nice." I said dryly.

"I know this is sudden for you but trust me you will learn to love her in the marriage like how I learned to love your father." She said sweetly with her hand on my back.

"I just feel like it's unfair to me that I can't choose who I can love." I said back.

Before my mom could speak again trumpets sounded off and everyone's attention were now on the announcer.

"Lady's and gentlemen please give a warm welcome to the lady of the night Princess to be Jasmine." He yelled out as everyone clapped respectfully.

Jasmine came out with this beautiful red dress with black accessories. People around us "Ooohh-d and Ahhhhh" gazing at her. I looked around to see everyone's reaction while it didn't phase me. She's just another beautiful woman on my arm... that's it. As she walked through the crowd towards me people bowed in respects. Finally once she reached me I put my glass down and bowed... so did she.

"Your highness."

"Jasmine ." I said back respectfully.

"Well don't you like my dress for tonight? I hope it pleases you?" She asked nervously low giving me a twirl.

"You look good as usual Jasmine." I said with a smile.

She blushed and looked away hiding her smile.

"Prince Seokjin! Hello my future Son in Law!" Jasmine father came yelling loudly in excitement.

"Your highness." I said Bowing then embracing him in a hug.

Unlike a lot of kings, he's the nicest of them all. King Cha is his name and he's the most generous.

"You look mighty fine young man! How's the fencing been treating you?" He asked with a big smile.

"It's been amazing. Iv been getting better at it everyday." I said honored.

"Father Jin and I have to get going." Jasmine interrupted grabbing my arm.

She pulled me away and she led me to a room alone.

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