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~ January 15

"Hold Still your highness!" Lilly said as she shaved my neck and chin.

"I don't want to spend a day with Jasmine today." I whined

"Keep moving and your gonna accidentally die from this sharp blade." She said running water on the blade then leaning my head back towards her with my chin up.

"Please I rather see Heaven then her right now." I Said.

"Hush! She's your fiancé Jin." She said playfully rolling her eyes.

"I know but I haven't heard from Taehyung or Jeon in days to complain to them. I'm lonely." I admitted.

"Taehyung is quite? Now that's different." Lilly said.

"Yeah! Jeon normally is quite but not this distant from us. Iv tried to contact them both but I haven't heard back from them." I said thinking.

"Well just pray for them. Maybe they are going through some royal family... issue stuff." Lilly said with a comforting smile.

Lilly rested her left hand on my neck to steady me while she glided the blade on my face. I looked up at her as she focused on shaving me properly. Weirdly I was focusing on her... today she had her hair up in a bun. Normally she would have it down in a messy Afro. She looks.... Pretty. I was caught up staring at her that I didn't notice that she was looking at me in between focusing on shaving.

"Uh oh what I do?" Lilly asked.

"Huh what?" I asked jumping out my thoughts.

"Your staring at me. Did I hurt prince charming feelings?" Lilly asked making me Squint my eyes.

She giggled knowing that irritates me when people call me Prince Charming.

"Oh that's funny?" I asked making her laugh harder.

"Oh okay." I said jumping out my chair.

She screamed while laughing as I threw her over my shoulder and started spinning her extra fast. She begged me to put her down and I continue to laugh and kept spinning her. I finally put her down and she stumbled from being dizzy then smacked me on my arm hard.

"OW WHAT I DO?" I asked out of breath.

"Because nobody told you to do all that now sit down so you can be on time." Lilly said pointing to her chair.

I slightly laughed and sat back in the chair and she continued to shave me. She started humming... as usual and it's always soothing to me. I started falling asleep before we were both startled by a voice.

"My love." Jasmine said as she stood in the doorway.

"Jasmine? What are you doing here? I'm not ready yet." I said confused and sat up in my chair.

"I wanted to see you get ready. I want to get use to you like this instead of all dressed up and ready. It's the wife thing to do." She said with a cheesy smile.

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