"For now, if they started having pain again - just call for me. However, I cannot guarantee that I could stop whatever curse is slowly eating them up." Amane solemnly stared at the two princesses whose currently still conscious.

"What could we do now? Saotome-sama is not here to find out what was wrong..." Akari's eyes started getting wet, she didn't want to cry at all. But the worry she felt for the safety of this world is finally catching up to her brave heart.

"Don't worry. I'll find a way. I promise." Sumire stood up. Her usual calm expression turned into a determined one.

"Whatever it takes, i'll find a way to bring the three princesses, even if it means forcing the universe to heed my wish."


   After placing first for the Cavalry battle round, Ako triumphantly boasted it to Yurika who bitterly rolled her eyes in defeat. Koharu, however, is nowhere to be seen near them.

"I wonder where Koharu went?" Ochako and Mina searched around the whole place, but no sign of Koharu's purple hair.

"Is she perhaps with Kirishima-kun, kero?" Tsuyu tilted her head.

  Mina, suddenly had an idea. She flashed the two girls a mischievous smiles. "How about we catch her red-handed?"

Ochako sweatdropped at Mina's idea. "What do you mean red handed? It's not like she'll do something bad, Mina-chan."

"Imagine catching her blushing like a highschool girl, and then we take a picture of her - and boom! We show it to her face and then she'll realise her feelings for the hardy guy!" As Mina explained her plan to the two girls, Tsuyu and Ochako started realizing how good the plan is.

"Okay! Let's do it!"

"Count me in, kero."

  And so, they started looking for Kirishima instead. The first thing that came in Mina's mind is asking Kaminari, Bakugo or Sero where he might be - since they are the closest to him. "Eyo! Kaminari! Have you got any idea where Kirishima is?"

  Denki pondered for a little before he responded with a bright smile, recalling that Kirishima is actually going to buy energy drinks so he could feel better for later's round.

"He went to the vending machine together with Koharu-san!" Mina beamed at the mention of Koharu's name.

"That's a great help, Kaminari! Thanks!" With that, the girls walked away from him.

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    Ochako, Tsuyu and Mina walked towards the vending machine stealthily - holding their phone, ready for a caught on camera moment. As they neared the said location, they spotted Kirishima talking with Koharu with his usual big smile on his face.

   Immediately hiding, they watched Koharu and Kirishima talked to each other. "Koharu-chan sure is cute when she smiles like that." Ochako whispered which was heard by the other two girls, as they also admired Koharu's big sweet smile.

  "She always smile like that with Ako-chan and Todou-san. But watching her right now, it just means that she's comfortable with Kirishima." Mina nodded her head in approval, bringing her thumbs up to the two.

"Let's take a picture now."

As soon as they decided to take a picture, Koharu's face became flushed as to what Kirishima said.


The three hiding girls stared agape at the perfect timing. "Oh my gosh!"

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