Royse blinked in surprise.

He suddenly rose his head, causing his friend to jump in surprise.

"No, it makes sense." He murmurs.

Amy rose a brow. "What makes sense?"

"Catherine is being targeted."

The girl in front widened his eyes. "That's..." Amy trailed, weighing her friends' words.

"Carl said the Emor incident was linked to the underground group." Royse rummaged in his pocket and took out the black crumpled paper. "I went and infiltrated the underground groups' base."

"No wonder you're here. I did expect that you'd actually go and investigate, though I still had my doubts." Amy strode towards her friend and read the paper.

"I stole this."

Amy huffed. "Of course you would."

"But according to Carl's investigation, it simply speculated there that the underground group simply targeted the Emor in hopes to create a commotion." Royse narrowed his eyes. "But he's wrong. They weren't acting on a whim, they were ordered."

"'Client'." Amy reads out.

"Someone else is targeting the Emor. The group was simply hired because they have easy access on the black market."

Royse recalls the invoices and documents that were glued on the wall back in the base. He grits his teeth. "If only I had known, I would've taken all those papers!" He growls.

"Wait, if there's a client, then that meant the demon was working alongside them."

"And whoever this client is, it wouldn't be weird to consider the client asking the demon to target Catherine."

After reaching a conclusion, the two took a deep breath.

Amy ruffles her hair. "Seriously, the game didn't say anything about this!"

"It seems the games' plot is deeper than we expected. In the game, both the Emor and Frostenden family was broken all because of this client." Royse gritted his teeth.

Narrowing his eyes, he became determined. "I'll find who this person is."

Amy huffed. "I think we'll know soon."

Just as Royse was about to ask what his friend meant, his clone back home woke up to a knock.

He can see through the clone's vision that Mark had entered with a letter in hand. He could tell the purple-haired male was sweating as if rushing to deliver the letter.

He reads the letter and was surprised to see that Carl and the twins were asking for his presence. The meeting place wasn't in the palace, rather it was inside the town.

His clone thanked Mark before it started to change its clothes and prepare for departure.

Royse returns his vision towards his real place.

Amy crossed her arms. "Me, Milivoj, and Andrew took part in fending off the monsters. We stumbled across Carl and the twins as well and told us to meet them after we finish our job."

"I see." Royse then tilted his head. "Wait, if you were busy, how'd you expect that I was here?"

"Easy. First of all, I was stationed here outside the castle wall which means I saw that huge beam of light from the forest." Amy explains. "Pretty sure there was no one other than the famous young master of the Frostenden household who was capable of doing that."

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now