Chapter Thirty: Cry For Help

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Third  POV 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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Third  POV 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

"He what!?" Both Jinhae and Jungkook jumped up with the same energy and tone.

"Please have a seat gentleman." The principal advised again and then turned back to Jimin.

"Alright... I know it's hard to talk about right now but would you be able to try?" She spoke softly to the fragile blonde and Jimin only slightly nodded.

"Okay...." Jimin pouted. He really didn't want to talk about this already. He wanted nothing more but to just go home and cuddle with his boyfriend. The one in which his parents now approved of. The thought made Jimin a bit more confident before he spoke.

"Well first I was dragged by my hair out of the cafeteria..." Jimins tears fell as he spoke.

"Um... T-Taemin pulled me into the closet." Jungkooks hand  naturally rested on Jimins thigh but after seeing the principals eyes widen he quickly moved it to the blondes shoulder.

"He forced you to go into the closet?" The principal asked and everyone's eyes were on the blonde as he played with his fingers while talking.

"Well... n-no." That was the truth. Jimin didn't try stop Taemin from leading him to the closet at all.

"He told me h-he's always wanted to f-feel up my skirt..." Jungkooks grip on Jimins shoulder tightened as his anger rose. He couldn't wait to get his hands on Taemin.

"Did he ever actually touch you Jimin?" The principal was very condescending with how she spoke. Her tone was starting to aggravate everyone in the room.

"I need you to be more considerate. My son has a lot going on already." Sun-Hi spoke up for the blonde and the principal sighed and closed her eyes.

"Okay. I apologize. Jimin did Taemin touch you?" The woman's eyes were staring directly at the small blonde.

"He did. He gripped me... H-he pushed me really hard and he um- he slapped me." Jimins tears ran down his face again after reliving that in his head.

"Do you have any third party witnesses to this?" The woman asked receiving dirty glares from every adult in the room.

"Are you fucking kidding? Who would have been in the janitors closet?" Jungkook spat at her stupidity.

"No ma'am. N-no one was there." Jimin responded calmly giving his boyfriend a sympathetic look.

"Then do you have any proof that's what you're telling me is the truth?" She asked and Jimin shook his head. All he had was his word against Taemins.

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Park but until I talk to Taemin there is nothing I can do right now besides send Jimin home for the next few days." Jinhae stood up furiously.

"Are you serious?! My son isn't lying! Do you see how upset he is? Why would he lie about this?" The father was fuming.

"Sir I need you to calm down there's is nothing-" The principal tried using as much patience as she had.

"Yes there is! Do something! These fucking idiots have been messing with Jimin for years and you've all done nothing!" Jinhae yelled and the woman pointed to her door.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The woman was calm and professional. Jinhae shook his head in anger and stormed out the door.

"And you're very sure there is absolutely nothing you can do?" Sun-Hi turned to the principal and asked calmly.

"All I know is that I saw a student with a balled up fist and another unconscious... what an I supposed to believe if I don't have both sides yet?" Sun-Hi nodded with a polite but overall frustrated smile. It was valid reasoning but that didn't help the anger about what was happening to her son.

"Come on dear." The mother turned to her son that was talking to Jungkook.

"I'm- I'm going home?" The boy asked and looked to Jungkook.

"We'll talk in the car okay?" Jimin nodded weakly and walked out with the rest of the group. They walked down the main hallway passing the infirmary. Jimin glanced in seeing Taemin laid flat with an ice pack on his head. Yeah he shouldn't but the blonde felt sorry. He didn't want to hurt the boy, but it was Taemin or him.

"We're proud of you." Was the first thing Jimins mom said as they stood in the parking lot.

"W-why?" Jimin started to tear up again. He was finally out and away from school. Only surrounded by the people he loves the most.

"Because you were so strong for defending yourself. You are so brave Jimin." Jungkook butted in and said making Jimins tears flow harder. He wanted to be held and embraced by Jungkook yet he wasn't too sure on where his parents stood still.

"You believe me?" He stared at the three adults with pleading eyes.

"Of course we believe you!" He didn't know what he'd do if they of all people didn't believe him.

"The principal is an idiot if she doesn't believe you. We know you'd never hurt someone with out reason." Jinhae huffed. He was so angry, but not at Jimin. He wants justice for what happened to Jimin. He wants them to pay.

"We'll I guess this is one way to get a long birthday weekend." Sun-hi giggled and Jimins eyes widened when he realized his recital was two days away and birthday three. This was his final countdown and he couldn't be more excited.

"I didn't try that I promise!" He smiled walking towards Jungkooks car.

"Have this night with Jungkook, but how about you come over for dinner tomorrow night?" Jinhae asked hesitantly to the couple.

"Both of us?" The blonde asked and the parents looked up at the raven.

"Both of you." Jinhae smiled and nodded. He was happy to have his family back.


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