becoming one

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Well, this was very unexpected. San said awkwardly as he sat between his parents. He stared at Wooyoung who was on the opposite end, reciprocating the same expression.

Your father and I thought it would be a lovely idea, right honey? Mrs Choi nudged her husband. Mr Choi was silent for a few seconds before he finally agreed. Yes darling.

I didn't think a traditional businessman like you would like the idea of fishing? Mr Jung stated with sarcasm in his voice.

Mrs Jung brush the strands away from her face and nervously laughs as she glanced at Mrs Choi. She stomped on her husband's foot, resulting in Mr Jung yelling in pain.

My foot! He looked at his wife, Mrs Jung looked back at him with threatening eyes as she responded, Our image. Wooyoung who sat between his parents sank in his seat a little.

San had a small smile plastered on his face, he thought about how much Wooyoung was like his parents. It was endearing.

The younger stares at San who was between the two classy and elegant man and woman. Both dressed fancy yet simple, their visuals and aura reflecting their rich etiquette.

No doubt San was their child. He resembles both his parents. Taking his caring and selflessness from his mother, and his matureness and authoritativeness from his father. Then being gifted with both of their best genes.

Wooyoung frowned at the thought. He's in a different world compared to him. Yes, I am interested in fishing. Thank you for your concerns. Mr Choi responded calmly.

Mrs Jung smiled brightly as she said I can't wait to spend time together! Making campfires and just strengthening our sons' relationship. Mr and Mrs Choi smiled at this.

Mr Jung stared at his wife with a fond smile, her brightness never seems to dull even through all those years. San looked at Mrs Jung and thought about how much Wooyoung took on her positive attribute.

Mr Jung's boldness and sarcastic personality were definitely passed down to his son. And Mrs Jung's childlike innocence which can make anyone feel the need to protect was very strongly presented on Wooyoung.

Not to mention, he has both his parents strongest features. Mr Jung's strong features like his jawline and nose and Mrs Jung's everyone's first love look and graceful features.

How much San was grateful for having someone breathtakingly beautiful like Wooyoung. And to call him his was like a dream come true.

Shall we get going everyone? Mrs Choi also sounded bright and excited. Mrs Jung immediately stood up and started talking to her about what she had packed for their camping trip.

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