38: A Great Teacher

Start from the beginning

"Let us continue." He says.

You shook your head, snapping out of your daze, before straightening your posture as Kyōjurō turns to you. You gripped onto your staff tightly, anticipating his next move.

"Now then," he starts, moving back a few steps, only to take a defensive stance. His eyes narrowing..

"Time to show me what you have learnt?"

You gulped, taking a deep breath, before readying yourself.

'Stand and face him, there's no need to be a coward.' You thought.


Kyōjurō was amazed!

You learned pretty quick and seemed to be familiar with your surroundings.

Skillfully and light-footed, you danced around with your bō staff raised above your head to do different postures and attacks to counter his.

He was indeed astounded by the way you moved. One step after the other─your attacks grew stronger and more powerful with every strive.

The sun accompanied your moves as you danced through the rays. Dust and small specks of snow swirled around you.

"That's it, my love! You got it!" He praised you, "you're a quick study♡"

It was like the two of you were in synchronized dance. You stepped to the right and Kyōjurō─sensing your move before you did it, stepped to the left.

"You now know how to wield your weapon and master your snow-breathing technique at the same time."

You attacked him, he countered it. He attacked you and you did the same, even dodging him to attack him from both behind and sideways.

After awhile, you were extremely quick and was even able to keep up with him.

You slowly adapted to his speed, getting faster and faster, and you knew exactly what to do while fighting─whilst learning a lot of tricks of your own in the process.

Senjuro and Muichirou eyes widen in shock as─with a swift move, you stepped back, gaining some distance, before changing your stance.

Twirling your staff, you then attacked Kyōjurō with it pointed straightforward. A burst of icy wind caused Kyōjurō to stumbled backwards─ clearly not expecting such a light jab to make him stumble back, whilst you drew your staff aside.

"W-whoa! What was that, my love?!" He asked, softly panting that his breath created small puffs of air.

"I don't know... I just learned it!" You say sheepishly.

Stars of bewilderment twinkled in his eyes as he glanced at you, "That was amazing!" He says excitedly.

"Well, I got a great teacher." You said and shot him a small sly smile which made him blush.

"Then you must show me more!?" He added.


It was like magic.

As expected, Muichirou was delighted to finally see snowflakes fly─even catching a one on his tongue.

You and Kyōjurō built a steadily rhythm as you stepped forward, swirling around to start a new attack but Kyōjurō saw through your move.

He intuited what would follow and so, got you off-balance via the staff to sweep you off your feet─catching you in his muscular arms that wrapped securely around your middle.

As you looked up, slightly surprised and breathless, your (e/c) eyes met his golden red ones. His lips were teasingly close to yours and you weren't sure if he wanted to and waited for a sign.

The rays from the sun was illuminating the both of you while small snowflakes were dancing around, encircling you two like magic sparkles.

Slowly you both leaned in close─the already small gap between each other's lips.

"Kyojuro and (Name) sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Muichirou sang, making you both immediately pull away.

You nearly forgotten all about your young audience as you both blush from embarrassment.

"Well then, I-I think that's enough training for today!" Kyōjurō says.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now