It turns out, in my rush of endorphins, I forgot that my boyfriend is eight inches taller than me and a werewolf. He puts his hands on my shoulders and flips us, pinning my hands above my head and leaving me to fawn over how strong he is. 

"It's adorable, how you never realize that I can overpower you so easily." Remus nuzzles our noses together. 

"Maybe I like it when you manhandle me." I smirk cockily up at Remus, nearly shivering at the yellow glint in his eyes. 

"I know you do." Remus kisses my cheek, making me sigh in frustration. I just wanted to have a good make out session, and now he's going to tease me. 

"Come on, Re.." I whine, knowing Remus can't resist my puppy eyes. He chuckles fondly and presses a soft kiss to my lips, leaving me chasing him when he pulls away. 

"Merlin, you're needy today. You know you could have just came with me, right? I wouldn't have said no." 

"We've barely been alone recently, babe. James wasn't going to let me go in the middle of a chess game, and Pete needed help with his Defense homework. I finally found the opportunity to sneak off and surprise you." I give Remus my best winning smile and finally, he crumbles. He let's go of my hands and let's me wrap my arms around his neck. 

"It probably doesn't help that I was avoiding the common room at all costs today. Everyone was just so damn loud." Remus sighs softly as I twine my fingers in his hair. 

"It doesn't help that every time you so much as put your arm around me, James makes a joke. Quite the mood killer." 

Remus smiles and leans our heads together, gently gripping my hips. "Shut up." 

And then he kisses me, and my brain melts to mush. 

I slide my hands down to Remus' shoulders, letting my eyes fall closed because fuck, I could kiss him like this all day. Everything about him makes me weak at the knees. His scent, his touch, everything. I'm pretty sure if he wasn't holding me my knees really would go weak. 

Remus bends a little to pick me up by my thighs, pulling away only an inch or so. 

"Why don't I cut my rounds short so we can get in some much needed cuddle time?" Remus pushes my hair behind my ear, and I can't help but lean into his hand because yes, I need cuddles. I've been needing cuddles all day.

"That sounds fucking brilliant, babe." 

~Sirius' POV~

I creep into the infirmary any to Remus' bed, even though Poppy told me that he needs to rest. I know my boyfriend, though, and I know he won't be resting. 

Just as I predicted, Remus is laying awake, bright eyes staring out the window. 

"would you like some company?" I whisper softly, knowing Remus will hear me anyway. Those beautiful eyes shift to me, and an equally beautiful smile curves at Remus' lips. 

"Hey," His voice is scratchy from howling. I walk over and crawl carefully onto the bed beside Remus. He turns, wincing, and cuddles into my chest with a soft hum. 

"What's eating at you?" I ask, running my fingers slowly through Remus' hair. 

"Nothing." Remus mumbles, wrapping an arm around my waist. My heart softens, because he presses his hand to my back, where Moony got a little aggressive with me and left a scratch. 

"You didn't hurt me." I whisper against the top of Remus' head. 

"Yes, I did." Remus counters, running his fingers along the bandage. "Moony got too rough with padfoot, he always does." 

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