"I'm gonna get you back for this!" Dylon said. "Your not gonna get anyone back for anything!" Harley yelled at Dylon. She pushed him into a room and closed the door.
"There, he's dealt with and he will be on punishment for a while" Harley said. "Someone, clean up this mess!" she commanded, pointing to the broken vase that was scattered on the floor.

Harley helped Ryder clean the deep wound on his arm. She then bandaged it for him.
"Now let's bring your iPad to the Apple Store" Harley said. Ryder got his iPad and off they went to the store.

Chase was laying down on the old mattress in the garage. Marshall had left the garage to hear what was going on in the foster home.
Because the foster home was only about twenty feet away from the garage, they could hear mostly everything that was going on inside. When Marshall heard something shatter and Harley yelling, he ran over to the house and listening by the wall.

"Chase, guess what I heard?" Marshall said, running inside the garage. "What did you hear?" Chase asked. "I heard someone throw something and it shattered on the floor. Then I heard Harley ask what was going on.
Ryder and Dylon were going back and forth but then Ryder explained that Dylon messaged his friends some bad messages while he was gone.
Dylon also put a password to the iPad so that Ryder won't be able to get in.

Then I think Harley whipped Dylon because I heard the sound of belt. Then I saw Ryder and Harley leaving the house with the iPad. Ryder had a big bandage on his arm.
I think Dylon threw whatever he threw at Ryder and it must've been sharp and then cut Ryder on the arm" Marshall explained.

"Poor Ryder" Chase said, laying his head back down and letting out a weak whimper.
Marshall walked up to his friend and sat next to him on the mattress. He tried to comfort Chase. Marshall knew that Chase missed Ryder very much.

Chase was use to being with Ryder everyday and all day. He wasn't use to being without Ryder for such a long period of time.

Ryder and Harley made it to the Apple Store. The man at the store somehow unlocked Ryder's iPad. By the time they started heading back home, it was night.
"Why is Dylon such an aggressive and bad kid?" Ryder asked. "Dylon has always been like that since he was young" Harley said.

"He caused so much trouble for his parents and was a big bully in his school. His parents tried being patient with him for a long time. But during that time, he wasn't as bad as he is now.
When his parents lost patience and saw that Dylon wasn't trying to change himself, they sent him to the foster.
Dylon has been in the foster home for six years because he was brought there when he was seven. And during those six years, he only got worse, that's why no one adopts him" Harley explained.

"I didn't know other people adopt kids from the foster home" Ryder said. "You didn't know that?" Harley said. "I never knew much about a foster home" Ryder said.
"Well now you know that people adopt kids from foster homes" Harley said.

Ryder was back in the foster home and texting his friends. Ryder had created a group with his friends so that he could text them all at once.

Ryder: That wasn't me who texted you guys those nasty messages. It was some disgusting boy who lives in this foster home.
He went in my iPad went I wasn't around.

Avery: I don't believe you!

Jack: Me neither! I believe that you were really upset because you are living in a foster house so you decided to take your anger out on us!

Oliver: Jack makes sense! Why should we believe you?

Ryder: Guys, how could you actually think I would do something like that? You guys know that I don't lie about things.

Jack: Ryder, I don't believe you, is all I have to say!

Oliver: How could someone get in your iPad and do something like that?

Avery: I always knew Ryder wasn't a trustful friend.

Ryder: In the foster home, there's some boy named Dylon who is a major bully.
Me and him been getting into fights everyday. He was the one who got into my iPad when I wasn't around and texted you guys those nasty messages.

Avery: I don't care what you say. Your not the Ryder you once was.

Jack: You haven't spoken to us in days, ever since Chase went missing and caused that accident. I don't know what that pup put in you, but your definitely not the same Ryder.

Oliver: I can't believe you actually got your parents in prison! It was your fault that they lost everything they had! And they have the right to call you the worse son because you are!

Jack: You just stripped the life from your parents.

Avery: I'm not your friend anymore.

Oliver: We don't need you as a friend anyways, your crazy and plus you live in a foster home which means we won't ever see you again.

Jack: I once had a friend who was the most amazing friend ever and his name was Ryder. But I don't know where that Ryder went.

As Ryder read these messages, tears were brimming in his eyes.
He immediately blocked his friends and deleted their chats. He shut off his iPad and put it in his backpack. Ryder stared at the wall ahead of him. He felt rejected and turned on by everyone he once loved.

His parents who once loved him now turned their backs on him and sent him away.
His best friends that he'd been knowing since kindergarten now turned their backs on him and didn't believe him.
"It's like I'm just a piece of trash to everyone" Ryder said, as tears were dropping from his eyes. Ryder's heart was torn apart.

But then he remembered about Chase and Marshall. It was nighttime and everyone was sleeping, which meant he go see them.
Ryder wiped his tears and swallowed in his emotions. He climbed out through the window and got out of the foster home.

"Hi pups" Ryder said. Chase immediately lifted his head when he heard Ryder's voice. He got off of the mattress and ran toward Ryder.
"I'm soooo happy to see you" Chase said, knocking Ryder to the ground and licking him. Ryder laughed as the pup's tongue went across his face.
Marshall then jumped onto Ryder, knocking Chase off of him.
He licked Ryder's face nonstop.

"Ryder, what happened earlier? Marshall was listening by the wall of the foster home. He said you and Dylon were fighting" Chase said.

Ryder inhaled a deep breath and sat on an old sofa that had been abandoned in the garage. The pups sat by his side.
He started explaining everything that happened, first about Dylon texting his friends bad messages, then he put a password to his iPad and then his friends got mad at him because they thought he was the one who texted them those nasty messages.

Then when Ryder tried explaining that it wasn't him, they didn't believe and then they decided not to be his friend anymore.

"I feel rejected by everyone I once loved. Everyone has turned their backs on me" Ryder said. "Not everyone" Chase said.
"Yeah, we didn't turn our backs on you" Marshall said, "we still love you, we're still your pups, your companions, and your buddies and that will never be changed".

"Marshall is right" Chase said, "no matter what happens, I will always be there for you, to comfort you, to help you and to support you. Remember what you said, it's us three against the world. Life has thrown another pain in your way and that is being rejected by your friends. But me and Marshall are here to help you and be by your side".

"Your right" Ryder said. "Who knows what the future has for us? Maybe you'll have better friends, a better home and a better life" Marshall said. Ryder hugged his pups tightly.

"You guys never fail to lift my spirit" Ryder said. Chase and Marshall licked Ryder. "How about we look at some new cities and towns?" Ryder suggested. "I can't stay in Adventure City for much longer".
"Me neither. I'm gonna go crazy in this place" Chase said. "Me too" Marshall said.
Ryder went back to the foster home to get his iPad. He then returned back with the iPad and sat on the sofa with Chase sitting at his right side and Marshall at his left side.

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