"Is it a bad thing?" Billy's eyes widen at his mom's worried voice.

"Mama no it's not a bad thing. I just mean I don't think I've ever seen you so…."

"Soft." Tommy finishes his brother's sentence.

"Yeah soft. It's nice to see you so relaxed and happy." Billy smiles when he sees Wanda settling back against me.

"Y/n. Can I ask you something?" Tommy the ever curious boy shuffles in his seat.

"Of course." Wanda moves her hands into my lap so she can fiddle with my free hand there.

"It might be classed as like super personal and you don't have to answer it?" Wanda's hands stop momentarily at Tommy's words.

"Well you won't know unless you ask." I give him a reassuring smile and he takes a breath before looking right at me any confidence he did have completely gone.

"Why did you end up in hospital?" 

"Tommy." Wanda's voice is filled with hesitation and she sends him a warning glare. I Move my hand that's wrapped around her shoulders to her scalp and start weaving it through her hair every now and again allowing my nails to scratch at the skin.

"It's okay Wanda." She sends me an 'are you sure look' and I simply nod. "Do you boys know what PTSD is?" 

"Yeah Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Billy and Tommy both sit up straight giving me their full attention, my eyes dart to the rear view mirror where I see Gabes soft eyes on me before they disappear behind the divider as it closes. 

"Well I was diagnosed with PTSD just under two years ago. I had a bit of a rough morning that created a domino effect and I had what we call a PTSD episode. Normally I can pull myself out of them, but it was a lot worse than usual and it ended up with me blacking out." The car fills with silence, but it's not uncomfortable, it is just allowing time for the boys to take in the information.

"Huh, I didn't realise other people could have PTSD. I always thought it was just people who went to war." Tommy voices his thoughts.

"So do a lot of people, but someone who experiences anything traumatic can cause PTSD. So yes war is one of them, even childbirth can cause someone to have PTSD. It's a mental health condition that will never really go away, but you learn to lessen the triggers and ways to pull yourself out of an episode." I take a breath knowing what the next question may be so answer it before they can ask. "For me, I was in a car accident in a coma for a couple of months and when I woke up it was only me that had survived in my car." 

"I'm sorry you lost someone Y/n. I couldn't imagine." Tommy undoes his seatbelt earning a glare from Wanda but it softens when she realises he is moving to sit the other side of me, doing his seatbelt up straight away.

I move my hand from my lap, causing Wanda to drop them and a small whine leaving her lips but I simply scratch at her scalp and she almost purrs against me as her body relaxes. My free arm wraps around Tommy's body bringing him closer to me, his head resting on my shoulder as his hand replaces mine in Wanda's and I see her smile down at the sight. We hear Billy let out a huff of air as he undoes his seatbelt, moving next to his mum. He does up his seatbelt and leans against Wanda slightly, his arms wrapping around her body to hug her.

"I love you all so much."  Wanda whispers out into the silence that has once again filled the car.

"I love you too mom." The boys both say at the same time, which is like some creepy twin shit. 

"I love you too Wanda." I kiss the crown of her head before looking between the three of them. "Are you guys ready for a relaxed night?" 

"Yeah. Can't wait to be snuggled up with you." Me and the boys laugh at Wanda as she pulls herself closer to me.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now