"What happened?" I asked calmly.

"H-huh?" She swallowed and didn't bother drying her tears.

"What happened Aliza? What were you doing with my phone? Were you reading a message on it? Or were you trying to delete something you sent with it?" I glanced at the screen to see the phone showing the 'deleted' icon in my messages. "I was right, what did you delete?"

"I...my younger sister, I only used your phone to send her a message and didn't know if you would be crossed or not so I quickly deleted it."

"Why didn't you ask me? Besides, you have your phone. Why didn't you use it?"

"I ran out of airtime. My credit got exhausted."

"Oh. It's fine, you don't have to cry, Aliza. Wipe your tears. You can just ask me next time and I'll give you some money to get some airtime. It's okay, wipe your tears." I smiled at her.

Aliza did that but her hands were still trembling. She was definitely acting suspicious.

I was very sure of it.

After Leo got out, Aliza took Greta to bathe and I knew they would take at least thirty minutes. Greta loved playing with foam and bubbles while bathing sometimes so Aliza would sometimes take up to twenty something minutes bathing her.

After they got into the bathroom, I told Leo to keep an eye on Greta from time to time and he didn't even ask any question but I knew he was wondering the reason I'd asked him to do so. Still, he nodded and promised to do just as instructed.

"Is anything the matter?"

I shook my head. "I'll explain later. Just do as told."

"Sure sis." He nodded, looking determined with the little task assigned. I felt pride surge through me, knowing and appreciating the protectiveness my brother had towards his sisters.

Just as I left the room, a thought crossed my mind and I froze.

I had password on my phone.

How did Aliza unlock it and managed to send a message? It didn't look like it took her that much time, because when I stepped back into the room in less than ten minutes after I'd left, she already completed whatever she planned to do on it.

Frowning at this thought, I went to Gonzalo's room and knocked.

"Come in." His lazy voice drawled.

The room was still dark and the thick curtains were tightly pulled to prevent even a ray of sunlight from peeking through.

I entered the room and made my way to the window, glad I knew my way around his room.

Pulling the curtains, I relished in the groan that escaped the mouth of the man lying on the bed.

"What the hell, Rosa?" He groaned and turned to face the other side.

"Good morning to you too, my boss slash boyfriend. Did you sleep well?"

"You would have known that if you bothered checking my message or replying it." He grumbled.

Sighing, I cleared his clothes which were scattered in a mess on the ground and threw them on the wooden chair. Then I went to sit beside him.

"I haven't checked my phone since I got out of bed." I reasoned.

He stretched his arms and pulled me into him. "Did you sleep well?"

My heartbeat accelerated as butterflies started dancing and flapping their wings giddily in my stomach.


"Dreamt of your gorgeous boyfriend?" He pecked my back and pulled me even closer to him.

"No. I dreamt of someone even hotter." I giggled, only to feel his arms tighten around me.

In an instance, he was up, pulling me into him. "Is that supposed to be a joke? Because it's not funny."

He planted a kiss on my neck, just at the region between my neck and shoulder and I shuddered. He released an arm which was around me, to pull hair away from the spot and place deep kisses on it.

I shuddered and leaned into him.

"I- it's a joke, it's a joke." I accepted defeat, sighing.

"I don't take such jokes lightly, my sweet Rosa. You wouldn't like to see a jealous Gonzalo now, would you?"

His free hand came to caress me there and he placed more kisses on that same spot, making me moan.

"Fuck, you sound so hot when you moan." He pulled me into him and I felt his heartbeat against my back at how close we were.

His chest was bare and I could feel the warmth of his skin against my body.

I turned around. "You don't sleep with shirts on?"

He chuckled and released me, then turned around and got down from the bed on the other side.

The sight of his naked butt, as naked as the day he was born made my eyes widen as I stared at him in horror.

"Gonzalo! You're naked!" I covered my eyes with both hands.

His soft laughter floated through the room. "I wasn't born with clothes."

"Doesn't mean you should show me your nakedness!" I scolded, feeling my face burn in embarrassment.

"Nothing you won't see in the nearest future. That'll teach you not to tease me anymore, my phoenix." He chuckled.

I heard him whistle and opened one eye to see him going into his bathroom, still butt naked. Without realizing it, my eyes stayed glued to it until I caught sight of the dangling thing between his legs as he turned around, as if to check if my eyes were still closed.

"Gonzalo! I will kill you!" I screamed and dashed out of his room.

His cheerful laughter followed me down the hallway as I ran back to my room.

That brute!


He's a brute alright. 😏😌

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