V:2 Chapter 11, Breach

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Last Time:

In the control room Bart is seen messing with wires to the destroyed control panel. "Come on, come on" he says as the wires spark but do nothing other than that. Looking up he sees the wall fast approaching. Trying to buy more time he channels more of the speed force but is too low on energy. "Damn, low on juice. Hope this works" he says as he starts to vibrate his body in attempts to phase through the wall on impact. The collision happens and an explosion occurs. When Ruby comes too, she sees Weiss, Blake, and Yang off to her sides disoriented but okay. Looking a little further away she sees they are in the middle of Vale and there in the middle of the street is a bloody Bart. He tries to stand but staggers clearly injured but healing ever so slightly. The ground rumbles as Grimm bust through the hole and surge towards the citizens. Sirens are blaring as chaos erupts through the city.

This Time:

Location: Downtown Vale,

Bart's POV:

The train had just crashed through the wall separating the tunnels from Vale. Let me tell you, not phasing through a wall fully sucks, like a lot. Everything hurts, my ears were ringing and my vision was blurry.  Struggling to stand up I look down at myself to assess the damage.  

Legs, check.  Arms, check. head, still attached.  I had scrapes all across my body and my body was stiff but I was still able to move.  Most likely concussed but still able to move.  Looking around I see Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake staring at me among the rubble and based off their faces I probably look worse than I feel, that's not good.

"Ar-Are you all okay?" I ask them as I stumble over to them.  "Are we okay?! what about you?" Weiss yells making me flinch from the volume.  "I'm fine" I say though none of them look convinced.  "Bart, you look like you can barely stand" Ruby says gently.  "I promise, I'm fine love" I say taking her hand gently.

We couldn't relax for long however because from the large hole a hoard of Grimm burst forth.  Grimm of all sizes flood into the streets  making the civilians in the area scatter.  

"This is no time to relax team RWBBY we need to help these people to safety and kill as many Grimm as possible until help arrives" Ruby says getting into a battle stance.  

3rd Person POV:

Location: Beacon,

Team JNPR was making their way to the landing strip ready to set out on their mission.  Jaune had just finished explaining to his team about how Ruby called in the middle of the night right before the call got disconnected. "I'm sure they're fine" Pyrrha says reassuringly.  

"I don't know, I just have this feeling" Jaune replies. "Jaune" Pyrrha says sternly only to be interrupted by a siren sounding in Vale.  Seconds later the siren at Beacon rings out making Nora cover her ears due to the volume.  

"We're changing our mission, everyone on the bullhead" Jaune says as he runs to the air ship.  His team follows behind him as they all enter the ship.  "We'll make it to that village another time" Jaune says reassuringly getting a nod from Ren.  

"Take us to the city" Jaune orders the pilot as they take off.  

Just off to the side Cinder, Emerald,  and Mercury watch the air ship leave.  "You don't think-" Emerald says.  'Sure looks like it" Mercury says interrupting the green haired girl.  "But that's still weeks away" Emerald says.

"So, what do we do?" Mercury asks Cinder making her narrow her eyes in the direction of the city.  

Location: Vale,

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