V:2 Chapter 6, Burning The Candle

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Location: Beacon's Ballroom

Third Person POV

Ruby can be seen sitting at a table with a sad look on her face while she supports her head with her hand.  Weiss slams her hands on the table in front of Ruby startling the girl out of thought. "I need you to pick a table cloth" Weiss says sliding two samples forward.  Ruby makes a confused face before looking up at Weiss.  "Aren't they both the same?" Ruby asks getting a scoff from the heiress.  "I don't even know why I asked" Weiss says indignantly before grabbing the samples and walking away. Ruby then folds her arms on the table and puts her head on them. Behind them Yang can be seen carrying a large speaker across the room.  Placing the speaker down near the table Ruby with a thump making the table shake slightly.  patting her hands together Yang then proceeds to approach her half-sister.  

"So, have you picked out a dress yet?" Yang asks.  "What's the point, who cares about the dance if the whole team isn't going to be there.  Without Blake it won't be as fun" the younger girl replies while moping.  "Oh don't worry, she's going" Yang replies raising an eyebrow slightly with a smirk.  Her attention is soon brought away from Ruby to another table Weiss is at.  "Weiss, I thought we agreed. No doilies" Yang yells across the room.  Weiss then proceeds to stomp over and point a finger at Yang's chest.  "If I don't get doilies then you don't get a fog machine" Weiss says stomping her foot slightly.  

Just then the door opens and in walks Bart who is carrying the last speaker they needed.  Behind him are Sun and Neptune.  "Hey, here's that final speaker we needed Yang. where do I put it?" Bart asks as Yang points him to the spot.  "I also ran into these two on the way here" he says passing them by with a jerk of his head.  "Your dance is going to fog machines?" Neptune asks as he and Sun approach the two party planners.  "We were thinking about it" Weiss steps up doing a one-eighty as she folds her hands together in front of her.  "That's pretty cool" Neptune says giving a single finger gun as Sun walks up.  

"You ladies all excited to dress up" Sun asks.  "Pft, yah right" Ruby says still leaning her head on her hand. "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning head tomorrow night" Yang says grossing her arms with a smirk on her face.  "Ruby doesn't have to dress up to turn my head. She looks good no matter what she wears" Bart calls across the ballroom making Ruby blush. "Anyway, Bart's flirting aside. What are you two wearing?" Weiss asks earning a "Hey! it's not flirting if it's true" from Bart.

"Uh, this" Sun says gesturing to his outfit consisting of worn out jeans and an open button up white shirt exposing his toned muscles.  "Ignore him, for he knows not what he says" Neptune says raising a hand in front of Sun.  "Hey, I may have moved to Minstral but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place" the blonde monkey faunus says.  "Yah, we've noticed" is all Yang says with her arms still crossed.

"So... uh, what does Blake think of all this, is she, you know, still being all... Blakey?" Sun asks rubbing the back of his neck.  "Obviously" clearly Weiss says less than pleased as she too crosses her arms.  "I still can't think of a way to change her mind" Ruby says huffing a bit.  "Don't worry Rose Bud, I'm sure we'll think of something" Bart says placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  "Guys, trust me. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow" Yang says before going to walk out.

Location: Beacon's Library

Blake is seen in the large library on one of the many computers.  Looking at the green tinted screen it is clear that she is doing research.  Suddenly a red dot appears on the screen catching her attention.  The dot moves down than up again as Blake watches it intently.  It repeats the motion before moving to her hand and off the desk.  Blake turns her head to watch where it goes before scowling.  The dot disappears only for the black haired girl to look around and spot no-one who is responsible.  She goes back to her work only for the dot to appear on her hand once again.

Who's Faster (Ruby Rose X OC speedster)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें