V:2 Chapter 1, Best day ever

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3rd person POV:

Location: Vale

Outside a shop an old man in a grey shirt and red apron is hanging a banner on the front of the shop.  The sign reads 'from dust till dawn',  with the banner 'newly re-opened' under it.  After making sure the banner is secure he starts going down the ladder but someone bumps into him on accident making him fall over.  "Excuse me! sorry!" the young girl says.  She has green hair and red eyes.  "I'm not really from around here" She continues as she helps the man up.  "Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop" She asks him holding up a paper.  After agreeing she walks away waving to the man.  

A silver haired teen in a blue/grey jacket can be seen standing just around the corner of a building.  "I knew you were lost" the boy says as the girl passes by.  "Mercury! I will seriously pay you to shut up" the girls says approaching and holding a stack of Lien.  "That's not your money" the boy now known as Mercury says shaking his head.  "But it could be yours for five minutes of silence" the girl retorts.  Mercury only hums as he leans his head to the side with one eye closed weighing his options here.  "Mmm... no deal" he finally says locking eyes with the green haired girl again.  "Hmph. Fine" she says pulling the Lien from the leather holding and stomping away. 

"Whatever, you want me" Mercury says standing straight from leaning on the wall and following the girl.  The streets are crowded as cars pass by, people being shown at cafe's and walking the sidewalks.  "So how much farther?" Mercury asks growing impatient.  "A few blocks" the green haired girl replies as they make their way down the road.  "This place is so dull" Mercury groans out, sounding completely bored.  "Eh, I kinda like it.  Tall buildings, diverse culture" the girl says looking around.  "And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket" Mercury says making the girl stop.  "That's every city" she says putting her hands on her hips.  "Oh Emerald! Master Thief! please don't take my money.  I barely have enough to get by!" Mercury says acting scared.

The girl now known as emerald clearly doesn't like that he's making fun of her as she shoots a glare at him and grunts before continuing on their way.  "You're no fun today" Mercury says watching Emerald walk away before catching up to her.  They then enter a book shop as humming can be heard from the back. Mercury staying at the front looking through a few books as Emerald walks up to the counter.  Emerald rings the bell getting a "Be right there" in response.  A man with black hair and red and black polo shirt walks through the back doors backwards with two stacks of books piled high in his arms. 

Welcome to Tukson's book trade, home to every book under the sun" The man presumably named Tukson says putting the piles of books down.  "How may- uh!" He continues but stops seeing who is in the store.  "How may I help you" in a slightly more relaxed tone.  "Just browsin'" Mercury says clapping a book shut before returning it to the shelf.  "Actually I was wondering, do you have any copies of the thief and the butcher?" Emerald asks leaning on the counter.  "Yes we do" Tukson says simply hands folded in front of him.  "That's great" she says enthusiastically.  "Would you... Like a copy?" the shop keep asks a little confused.  "No. Just wondering" Emerald says as Mercury slams another book shut.  "Oh! Oh! what about violet's garden in paperback?" she asks excitedly.  "He's got it, hardback too" Mercury calls holding up a book.  

"Ooh, options are nice." emerald says brining a finger to her cheek as she rocks from side to side a little.  "Ehh, no pictures.  Hey! you got any comics?" he says slamming another book shut.  "Near the front" Tukson says giving a slightly annoyed look to the silver haired boy.  "Oh! no wait, what about Third Crusade?" Emerald asks leaning in a little bit.  Tukson's eyebrows raise slightly before going back down.  "Umm... I... Don't Believe we carry that one" he says as a dangerous undertone starts to set in.  "Oh!" Mercury says slamming another book shut as the air in the shop gets a little thicker.  "What was this place called again?" Emerald asks placing a hand on the counter.  Tukson's book trade" Tukson says simply.  "And... you're Tukson?" Emerald asks drawing out the 'and'.  "That's right" the larger man states simply. 

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