V:2 Chapter 7, Field Trip

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Location: Ozpin's Office

It's the day after the dance and Bart was asked to come to Ozpin's office along with General Ironwood.  "They were here. Ozpin they were here" Ironwood says slamming a fist on the headmasters desk.  Bart simply stood there watching the interaction.  He couldn't help but roll his eyes however at the generals obvious statement.  "We are very much aware of that fact, James" Professor Glynda Goodwitch replies.  "Well that's just fantastic, you're aware. Now are we going to do something about it or are we going to ignore what is right in front of us" the general replies.  "Oh, and what do you suggest we do? Please inform us since you clearly have all the answers.  Who are the culprits, what do they look like? where did they come from and are they even still here after whatever they did last night?" Bart asks finally stepping forward.   

Before Ironwood could answer a beeping came from Ozpins desk showing that someone has arrived.  "Come in" Ozpin says as he stands up while everyone else turns to the door.  Ruby came in clearly nervous about being called for.  "Sorry it took so long, someone accidentally hit all of the buttons on the way up here in the elevator... It wasn't me" Ruby says looking around before waving to Bart with a smile on her face.  He gladly returns the wave and smile before Ozpin speaks up.  "Thank you for coming Ruby, how are you feeling?" the headmaster asks.  "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't 0 for 3" she says as the room stay quiet.  She looks to Bart who offers a small smile but shakes his head.  "Okay, so that's the tone we're going for. got it" she says meekly while rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

Before anyone could speak up Ironwood steps forward.  "Ruby, I feel it is appropriate for me to let you know that what you did last night is exactly what being a huntress is all about.  You recognized a threat, took action and you did the very best you could" Ironwood says placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder.  "Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that transpired last night.  Now that you've rested, we were curious about if you had anything to add." Ozpin says.

"Was anything else with her, did she look familiar to you at all" Goodwitch asks.  "I-I'm not sure. She was wearing a mask and she didn't say anything. I know she fought with glass. I don't think it was her semblance though because her clothing lit up when she attacked." Ruby says describing the encounter best she could.  "Except for the glass that sounds a lot like the woman I fought the night we met you Ruby" Goodwitch replies as Bart takes notes on his wrist computer.

"Imbedding dust into clothes is an age old technique, it could be anyone" Ironwood says.  "Wait, do you think this woman is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?" Ruby asks catching every ones attention.  There was a moment of silence as Bart presses his lips together already seeing where she was taking this.  "It's possible but we still lack the required evidence to link the two" Ozpin says gaining the attention.  "Actually, I think I remember her saying something about a hideout  or something... In the South-East just outside the kingdom" Ruby says as Bart silently sighs and shakes his head.  "I thought you said the intruder never-" Goodwitch says but is stopped by Ozpin.  

"Thank you Ruby, Why don't you go and spend some time with your team. You all have a big day ahead of you" He says nodding to Bart who goes and walks over to Ruby.  "Any time" Ruby says happily as she takes Bart's hand and heads towards the elevator.  "And Miss Rose. Please try and be... Discreet about this matter" Ozpin says making Ruby turn her head to look at him.  "Yes sir" She says timidly as her and Bart make their way to the elevator.  Bart offers an over the shoulder wave with his free hand.  as they to walk away Ironwood and Goodwitch both turn to look at Ozpin.

Once Bart and Ruby make it back to the dorm they open the door to be greeted by the rest of the team.  They quickly crowd the two as Yang asks "What happened?" in an excited voice.  "Well, um" Ruby says as she nervously chuckles.  

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