V:2 Chapter 4, Paint The Town

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Last Time:

The groups were formed for their recon mission.  Ruby and Weiss were sent to get info from the Schnee Dust Company. On the way to the CCT tower they run into Penny for the first time since the night at the docks.  Ruby goes after her leaving Weiss to complete what they came for.  When Ruby goes after Penny they start to get chased by some Atlesian guards.  In this chase Ruby is almost run over by a car but the car is stopped by Penny.  After catching up with Penny Ruby finds out that Penny is actually a robot.

This Time:

With Penny & Ruby

"Penny I-I don't Understand" Ruby says as they stand in the alleyway.  "Most girls are born. But I was made.  I'm the worlds first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura" Penny says looking down at her hands.  "I'm not real" she says sadly looking away.  Ruby grabs her hands and closes Penny's covering the exposed metal.  "Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts that makes you any less real than me?" Ruby asks comforting her friend.  "I don't, um... You're taking this extraordinarily well." Penny says leaning in.  "You're not like those things back there Penny.  You've got a heart and a soul, I can feel it." Ruby says tapping Penny's chest where her hear would be.  "Oh Ruby! You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for" Penny shouts as she pulls Ruby into a tight hug.  "I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower" Ruby says muffled by the hug she was forced into. 

"Oh, he's very sweet. My father is the one who built me! I'm sure you would just love him!" Penny says releasing Ruby.  "Wow, he built you all by himself?" Ruby questions.  "Well almost.  He had some help from Mr. Ironwood" Penny says.  "The general? Wait, is that why those soldiers were after you?" Ruby asks hesitantly. "They like to protect me too" Penny says cheerily.  "Pfft.  They don't think you can protect yourself?" Ruby asks light-hearted.  "They don't know if I'm ready yet.  One day it will be my job to save the world but I still have a lot left to learn.  That's why my father agreed to let me come to the Vytal festival.  I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the tournament" Penny says.  "Penny, What are you talking about? Save the world from what? we're in a time of peace" Ruby says .  "That not what Mr. Ironwood said" Penny says quizzically.  suddenly their attention is drawn from the conversation.  "check down here" one of the guards that was chasing them yells.  "You have to hide" Penny says lifting Ruby off the ground.  "Gah, Penny! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them I can help you!" Ruby yells before Penny throws her in an open dumpster.  "It's okay Ruby, they're not bad people.  I just don't want you to get in trouble.  But promise me you won't tell anyone about my secret" Penny says before closing the lid.  "I promise" is the last thing Ruby was able to say to the girl.  

Outside the dumpster the guards spot Penny.  "There she is" one of them yells as they run up to her.  "Sal-u-tations Officers" Penny says happily.  "Why were you running, and what happened to the other girl?" The second officer asks.  "What other girl? I've been by myself all day" Penny says before hiccupping.  "You shouldn't cause such a scene" One says strictly.  "Are you okay?" The other asks right after.  "Just a scratch" Penny says showing her torn up hands.  "Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this" The first says again.  "Please, just come with us" the second says in a nicer tone than the first.  "Yes sir" Penny replies as they walk away.  

Location: Unknown part of Vale

Tires screeching can be heard ringing through the empty streets as A yellow motorcycle and a red blur with bright yellow lightning around it turn the corner.  Both stop right outside a building with loud music playing.  Yang takes off her helmet as she steps off the motorcycle.  "Come on, my friend is just in here" she says pointing over her shoulder to the building.  Neptune who was on the back of the bike can now be seen with disheveled hair and sideways goggles.  "Cool" is all the blue haired boy says before shaking his head to fix his hair and goggles.  This gets a laugh from Bart who was running next to the motorcycle all the way there.  "And where exactly is... Here?" Neptune asks hesitantly as he looks around.  "Don't question it dude.  I've learned it's easier to go along with Yang's method of madness instead" Bart says lifting his goggles off his eyes.  

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