V:1 Chapter 4 Emerald Forest

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Last time: The first year applicants were launched into Emerald forest with the goal of finding a partner and collecting one of the relics in the northern part of the forest. Ruby and Weiss became partners much to Weiss's disapproval. Jaune and Pyrrah have also formed a team. No one else has been able to form teams yet.

This Time:

Location: Emerald Forest, Beacon entrance Exam

3rd Person POV:

Yang can be seen walking through the forest in hopes of running into someone else. "Hello" the blonde calls out hoping to find another applicant. As she walks on though a dark shadow can be seen dashing through the trees. "Is anyone out there? Hello!" she calls oblivious to the other presence lurking in the shadows. "I'm getting bored here" she yells as she stops in a clearing. Suddenly there is rustling In the bushes and she turns to face the sound. "is someone there?" Yang asks with hope in her voice as more rustling can be heard. Walking over she pushes the leaves out of the way. "Ruby, is that you?" the explosive girl asks peaking her head through. Growling can be heard from the other side of the plants as she looks up.

"Nope" Yang says popping the P before lunging out of the way. A large black Bear like Grimm called an Ursa lunges at the girl. This creature has a mostly black body with white bone like spines coming out of it's back, and arms. It also has large white claws and a white face mask with red markings and orange eyes. Recovering quickly Yang pumps her arms readying her Gauntlet/shotgun mix. The Ursa lunges and swipes again but yang dodges as A second Ursa can be seen coming from where the first landed. The second one runs at Yang and tries to swipe at her but she loads a shell into the gauntlets by pumping her fist back. Once the Ursa is close enough she punches it in the stomach sending it flying back with an explosion.

The first Ursa finally having recovered from it's failed attempt runs at the girl resulting in an explosive upper cut to the jaw and a kick to the stomach sending it tumbling backwards. "You guys wouldn't happened to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you?" The blonde asks as if they would answer. The two beasts get up and roar at her before preparing to attack again. "You could just say no" she replies as the closest Ursa rushes her swinging it's claws with a slashing sound. After missing it's first swipe it uses it's other paw to swipe again as Yang does a back hand spring to avoid it. "Woah" she says before letting out a laugh, "Geez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a-" she starts to say. Seeing a strand of her hair had been cut off during the attack she stops mid sentence. "You!" Yang says with rage in her voice as she closes her eyes. The two Ursa look at each other making noises of confusion before turning back to their supposed prey. "YOU MONSTERS!" Yang yells as she opens her eyes to show they turned from a Lilac color to Red. She throws her arms down angry as an explosion is set off around her.

Launching herself forward with her gauntlets she charges a punch as she approached the first Ursa at high speeds. The Ursa tries to counter with an attack of it's own but the furious girl is to quick for it and receives an explosive 1-2 combo sending it flying back. Quickly launching herself after it she delivers explosive punch after punch to the creatures face and chest sending it flying through multiple trees killing it. Turning to the second creature as it runs up to her she readies her fists. "What, You want some too?" She asks as the Ursa stands on it's back legs towering over the angry seventeen year old. The large creature lets out a roar before a slashing noise can be heard. The Ursa lets out a slightly confused groan before falling forward dead. as the creature falls Blake can be seen with her weapon piercing it's back. Retracting her weapon back then puts it away before glancing over at Yang with a smirk on her face. "I could have taken him" Yang says after finally calming down.

The scene changes to show Weiss surrounded by Wolf like creatures with the same white spines around it's body, sharp claws and white bone like face masks with red markings and orange eyes. These creatures are called Beowolf and they are both fast and strong. 'Remember your training Weiss, head up, shoulders back, right foot forward. Not that forward! slow your breathing and wait for the right time to strike' the White haired girl in a blue and white combat skirt thinks to herself as she goes through the motions. 'and, Now!' she thinks as she rushes forward at the Beowolf in front of her. Ruby quickly rushes in and slashes the creature Weiss was going after with her Scythe. Weiss not wanting to hit Ruby diverts her attack as a wave of fire leaves her weapon hitting a tree not far off starting a forest fire. Distracted by the fire Ruby looks away and gets hit back into Weiss.

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