V:1 Chapter 8, Forever Falls

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I'm going to be combining the part 1 & 2's of these episodes if not evident by previous chapters I've done.  Pleas if you notice any grammar or spelling mistakes feel free to correct me.  It would be greatly appreciated!!!


Last Time:

Team RWBBY and Team JNPR confront Jaune about Cardin bullying him.  During Lunch Bart fights Cardin for Physically assaulting Velvet, a Rabbit Faunus.  After getting in trouble in Oobleck's class, Pyrrha confronts Jaune and offers to help train him.  Jaune takes it personally and refuses telling her that he snuck his way into Beacon.  Cardin overhears this and blackmails Jaune.  Bart comes clean about his past to his friends except for Jaune who is absent.  Having a talk with Pyrrha Bart gives the best advice he could

This Time:

3rd Person POV:

Pyrrha is seen staring out of the dorm window with a sad expression on her face.  Nora is jumping on her bed while Ren is cleaning his weapon on his, while Jaune is nowhere to be seen.  "How come Jaune gets home so late?" Nora asks as Pyrrha looks away from the window.  "He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin" Ren says as he looks down the sight of his weapon.  "That's weird.  Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest" Nora says as she does a flip landing on her back on the bed.  

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing" Pyrrha says aggressively.  Remembering back to her conversation with Bart she knows he's right and that Jaune needs some time to figure things out but she can't help but feel upset.  Humming in response Nora then says "I guess so..." in an upset manner

Jaune can be seen standing outside his dorm room with the door cracked a little as he listens in.  "Hey Jaune" Ruby says behind her fellow leader startling him.  "Gah" he says as he turns quickly to face said girl.  "Long time no see.  Did you lock yourself out again?" Ruby says pointing at the boy.  "OH uh, Nope! Heh, got it!" he says holding up his scroll.  "So where have you been lately?  you missed the talk Bart wanted to have with us a while ago." the smaller girl questions.  "I, uh-" Jaune says looking to the left then down at his feet sighing.  ""I messed up.  I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me.  I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea" he says sadly as he slides down the door to sit on the floor.  " I'm a failure" he says simply hanging his head to the side.

Ruby stands there for a second staring at the distraught boy.  "Nope" she says simply confusing him.  "Nope?" Jaune asks now looking up at ruby.  "Nope! you're a leader now Jaune.  You're not allowed to be a failure" she says stepping forward.  "But what if I'm a failure at being a leader?" the sad boy says still on the floor.  "Mmm... Nope" Ruby states simply.  "You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff" Jaune says as Ruby walks forward and sits on the ground next to him.  "Nope! while I'm not as good as Bart is still say nope!" Ruby says making Jaune slump back a little.  "Jaune, maybe you were a failure as a kid" Ruby says as Jaune lets out a sigh and slides down a little more.  "You might have even been a failure the first day we met" she continues making the boy slide even further down.  "But you cant be one now.  You know why?" she asks 

Not sure how to answer Jaune says "uhhh, because-" in a confused manner.  "Because it's not just about you anymore.  You've got a team now, Jaune.  We both do and if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us.  We have to put our teammates first and ourselves second" Ruby says standing.  "Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune.  and I think that can be you.  Have a good night" Ruby says entering her dorm room.  Standing up with new conviction Jaune reaches for the knob to enter his dorm room.  He stops when his scroll lets out a sound letting him know he has a message.  

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