V1 Bonus Chapter: I put the Fun in Funeral

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Last time:

After the fight on the docks team RWBBY is back together and getting along really well.  On their way back to the school however Bart gets a message on his suits wrist device letting him know they are having a funeral for him in his dimension.  He rushes off without an explanation he rushes back to Beacon at super speed.  Once the rest of the team arrives they find him playing a sad song on guitar while looking at pictures and videos of his old friends/family.  After a really sweet moment with his crush Ruby they all go to bed for the night

This time:

Barts' POV:

There was a book series my brother and I used to love, and in series the main character was though to be dead.  He wasn't dead however, and much like the situation I am in right now where he was transported to an unknown place.  Unlike me he was able to make it back to his friends and family and even crashed his own funeral.  It's been a week since I was informed of my funeral and I was able to watch the live stream of it.  There was one for my civilian self and after that there is one for my superhero self. How I envy that character right now, being able to go back to those who are grieving and tell them everything's fine that he's ok.  

Right now I'm pacing in the classroom we set up a projector in.  Being a Sunday there are no classes and instead of being stuck in the dorm we got permission to use a classroom.  "Bart, sit down.  If you pace any more then you'll leave a trail" Weiss says rolling her eyes.  "Be nice, Ice Queen. We can't even begin to understand what he's feeling right now" Yang says with a half glare.  "S-sorry, I just- I don't know.  how am I supposed to deal with this? Watching all of my friends and family cry, grieve because they think I'm dead" Bart says shooting an appreciative smile towards Yang.  "Bart, are you sure you're okay?" Ruby asks placing her hand on his arm looking at him with a great amount of concern.  "I'm not sure, am I allowed to be okay in this situation?" Bart asks letting out a soft laugh filled with sadness.  

"Hey guys, are we too late" They hear from the doorway.  Looking over team JNPR is seen walking into the room and walking up to Bart and Ruby greeting the other three scattered across the room.  "Hello Bart, Just know we're all here for you" Ren says with a soft smile addressing the clearly distraught teen.  After a short conversation the projector suddenly bursts forth with sound.  We all quickly find a seat and turn our attention to the projection on the wall while I tap my foot rapidly, weather it be from nerves or guilt I'll never know.  We watched as people made their way through the line offering condolences to my family.  At the front were my mom and dad, next was Wally.  After them came my uncle Barry Allen and aunt Iris along my cousin Bart who came from the future.  They had a casket but I knew it was empty, I'm right here so there is no body to be buried.

"Thank you all for being here today,  today we are gather to say goodbye to Bart West.  Bart was a son, a brother, a friend.  It is unfortunate that during the evacuation while the Reach attacked Bart had lost his life trying to help get someone else to safety." The Priest from the church says.  "That must be the cover story they went with, not entirely wrong" Bart says with a dry chuckle.  After reading some Bible verses he turned the podium over to my family.  "Thank you everyone for coming.  As a parent you always hope that you're child outlives you but Life has a way of crushing hopes doesn't it.  Bart was always such a good kid,  He got good grades and had such good friends.  He always looked to live life to the fullest, traveling, meeting new people, making new memories. I'm going to-I - I'm going to miss him so much! I'm gonna miss his smile or the way he called out when he got home. I-just--" My mom  says while wiping her tears before finally breaking down completely into my dads arms.  Tears are now freely falling down my face as a hand is placed on mine.  Looking to my left I see Ruby holding my hand as she watches the screen intently tears of her own falling.  

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