V:1 Chapter 2, The Shining Beacon

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A/N: I do not.  I repeat Do NOT own RWBY or anything from DC Comics.  All right go to the respective creators

I will be switching POV's here and there but the main POV's will be Bart's and 3rd person


Bart's POV: 

I was pretty excited to say the least, Wally always said I was good at making new friends and meeting new people.  Professor Ozpin seemed to pick up on this as we made our way to the landing area.  True to my word my broken leg healed completely yesterday shocking him.  but I'm getting side tracked, like always.  We made it to the landing area to see the the Beacon Airships approaching.  

When it lands the doors open as a blonde boy rushes out and over to a garbage can.  The other students exiting behind him but no one really catches my attention.  That is until I see a girl with black hair a black bow reading a book.  'I wonder what book she is reading' I think to myself as my feet unconsciously carry me over to her.

"Hi, I was just curious what book you were reading" I ask her as I approach and I could have sworn her bow twitched a little.  Looking up from her book she gives me a once over before closing it slowly.  "It's about a man with two souls each one fighting for control over his body" she says still studying me.  "Oh I just read that yesterday,  It was a great books.  Very interesting concept" I say.  "I'm Bart West by the way" I say offering my hand.  "Blake.... Belladonna, it's nice to meet you" she says accepting my hand.  "Well, I'm sorry for interrupting. Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me.  I'll let you get back to your book.  See you" I say as I start to walk off waving over my shoulder.  "Yah, See you" she says before heading in a similar direction.

After a little more walking I hear shouting from not too far off.  Dang curiosity still getting the better of me.  Making my way over there I see a girl with white hair in a skirt yelling at a girl with black hair that has red tips who is on the ground. she must have tripped or something.  Taking a closer look I notice she has silver eyes and is actually really cute.  "-from the Schnee quarry" The girl with white hair who I recognize as Weiss Schnee from the books I read yells.  The girl on the ground starts to try and say something but is cut off by Weiss.  "What are you brain dead, Dust.  Fire, water, lightning, energy" Weiss says shaking a bottle of fire dust causing a cloud to appear.  The dust cloud causes the girl with black and red hair to sneeze setting off an explosion and sending the bottle flying towards Blake.

3rd person POV:

As Weiss keeps yelling at the girl with black hair, Blake and Bart both make their way over to try and help. Well, Bart was gong to help.  "Hey, I said I was sorry princess" The girl with black and red hair says.  "It's Heiress actually, Weiss Schnee.  Heiress to the Schnee dust company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world" Bart informs getting the attention of the two girls.  

"Finally some recognition" Weiss says feeling good about herself until Blake starts to speak.  "The same company known for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners" The girl with the bow says making Weiss mad.  "What?! How dare--! The nerve of--" Weiss stutters out before snatching the dust bottle and storming off.  "I promise I'll make this up to you" silver eyed girl yells before sighing and saying "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day.   So what--?" turning to see Blake walk away as she falls back to the ground.  "Welcome to Beacon" She says dejected.  Bart quickly offers a hand in hopes to lift her spirits and says "Hey, I'm Bart"

"Ruby" the girl says as she takes his hand standing up.  The blonde boy that was seen throwing up into the trash can comes up and introduces himself as Jaune.  "Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship" ruby asks getting a chuckle from Bart.  The three then start to walk and talk as Jaune tries to defend himself.  "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on" He says.  "Look I'm sorry, vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind" Ruby says.  "It was also a little funny watching you rush out of the Airship" Bart says stealing glances at Ruby every so often.   Bart keeps analyzing her,  while she isn't the tallest she also seems to be about a year younger than him making her 15.  she has black hair that ends in red tips and silver eyes.  Wearing a black and red skirt and a red hooded cape, he can't help but admire how cute she is.

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