V:2 Chapter 2, Welcome To Beacon

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3rd person POV:

In front of Beacon academy at the landing pad a large airship is seen docked as people walk out.  Two bullheads fly by as a line of students is walking towards the main building.  Professor Ozpin is seen standing with Professor Goodwitch in his office overlooking the newly arrived students.  "Ironwood sure loves bringing his work everywhere he travels" Goodwitch says in a not so happy tone of voice.  "Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. but yes those are a bit of an eyesore" Ozpin replies as he watches more airships fly by.   A blue screen appears on his desk as they both turn to the message.  "Come in" Ozpin says as he walks away from the window.  The elevator opens to reveal in a white suit with a dark undershirt and dark hair.  

"Ozpin" the man greets warmly as he steps out of the elevator into the office.  "Hello general" Ozpin replies with his hands behind his back.  "Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long!" the general says as he walks up and shakes Ozpins hand.  "And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met" he says to professor Goodwitch as she steps next to Ozpin.  "Oh James... Ill be outside" she says not hiding her displeasure.  She then walks out leaving the two men.  "So what exactly brought you all the way down from Atlas.  Head masters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal festival." Ozpin inquires as he pours the two of them coffee.  

"Well you know how mush I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you hosting I thought this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up." Ironwood says as he pulls out a flask and adds a little of its contents to his coffee.  "I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends... However the small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned" Ozpin says taking a seat.  "Well... concern is what brought me here" Ironwood says in a low voice.  "I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult" Ozpin says raising his mug slightly.  

"Oz. You and I both know why I brought those men" Ironwood says cutting off the friendly banter and getting serious.  Ozpin takes a long sip of coffee before placing his mug down with a sigh.  "We are in a time of peace, shows of power like this--" Ozpin says gesturing to the window.  "Is only going to give off the wrong impression" Ozpin continues his statement.  "Ironwood clearly doesn't like the the answer given and makes it clear.  "But if what Qrow said is true--" he said placing his hands on the desk.  "If what Qrow is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal festival; a time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers across the continent" Ozpin says simply cutting the man off.  

"I was just being cautious" Ironwood says simply with a frown on his face.  "As am I, which is why we will continue to train the best huntsmen and huntresses we can" Ozpin says still holding a relaxed yet serious disposition.  "Believe me, I am." Ironwood says before turning and walking out of the office.  Half way to the door Ironwood stops and does a half turn.  "But ask this, do you honestly believe your children can win a war?" Ironwood says before turning and making his way out.  Ozpin is left sitting at his desk with a slight frown.  "You have no Idea what my children are capable of, general, especially a certain speedster. I just hope they never have to" Ozpin says to the now empty room.

Location: Beacon Library

3rd Person POV:

In the quiet library we see Team RWBBY sitting around a table.  Yang, Wess, and Blake all have their own sides as Bart and Ruby sit next to each other on the fourth side.  They're all sitting around a board game as the four girls are clearly playing by the cards in their hands while Bart is working on some sort of essay.  It's Ruby's turn as she hums trying to make a decision.  "Alright! Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle!" she says pointing at her half-sister.  "Bring it on!" Yang says pumping her fist.  "I deploy, The Atlesian air fleet!" Ruby says dramatically making Bart laugh as Yang gasps.  "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!" Ruby explains before making airplane noises. "You know Ruby, you're setting yourself up to fail. I've already come up with seven different strategies you could have used to ensure victory. "You Fiend! also back off Bart, that would be cheating" Yang gasps again before addressing the boy who keeps reading the book before writing something on a piece of paper.  

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