V:2 Chapter 8, Search & Destroy

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Last Time:

Ruby was called to Ozpin's office to discuss what happened the night of the dance.  she was greeted by General Ironwood, Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, and Bart.  After telling them what she knew and not so smoothly dropping some Info she knew, her and Bart were dismissed.  After Ruby and Yang's dad sends their dog to them for a while since he had some things to take care of.  The team makes their way to the assembly before picking their missions.  They choose a search and destroy mission in the South-East where the new base of Torchwick and the white fang is. They go to meet the professional huntsman they are traveling with to see they were paired with Professor Oobleck.

This Time:

Team RWBBY is standing in front of their hyperactive teacher by the air strip.  The four girls are standing in a shock and dismay at the huntsman standing in front of them.  "Professor Oobleck?" Weiss asks cautiously" The teacher in front of them starts to pace back and forth.  "I'm afraid those bags will not be necessary as you have opted to shadow a huntsman mission on what is essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations.  We will rather be traversing several miles of hazardous wastelands and making camp in any discernable location we might stumble upon.  In fact I have taken the liberty to pack all of the essentials myself.  I've also plotted the air course and prepared the air ship, and it's doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn a PHD for fun, thank you very much" the huntsman says as he addresses Wiess specifically at the end.

Weiss and Blake share a look before turning back to doctor Oobleck. "Come now children, according to my schedule we are already three minutes behind... schedule." Oobleck says before rushing off in a blur.  Bart follows not wanting to be left behind since he actually likes Oobleck a lot.  They often share stories and Bart will tell him about the history of his universe. "All right then, looks like we're saving the world with... Doctor Oobleck. Okay yah, when you say it out loud it sounds worse" Ruby says as they hang their heads.  

Team JNPR approaches from behind as Nora is the first to speak up.  "Save the world? You're going on world saving missions without us!" Noray says while stomping her foot.  "I'm hurt! SAD! Maybe a little hungry. That last one isn't your fault though, Ren" Nora says dramatically as her stomach growls. In response to this Ren crosses his arms and turns his back to the hyperactive girl.

"Sounds exciting, where you going?" Jaune asks happily.  "Oh, just outside the kingdom" Ruby replies.  "Hey, so are we!" Nora shouts out excitedly.  "Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village" Pyrrha informs in her usual polite manner.  "We set out tomorrow" Ren says simply turning back to the group.  "Then you can party with us tonight" Neptune says as he and Sun slide up and join the conversation.  "We're shadowing a crime specialist" Sun says slyly with crossed arms and a smirk.  "All under city detective stuff, we get badges" Neptune says as Jaune stares in awe.  "We normally go to the city with you guys... Which means that stuff is always exploding and junk, so we figured this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's normal" Sun says.  

Just then Oobleck yells "Four minutes ladies" from beside the air ship.  They all turn back to see the doctor and Bart having a very animated conversation next to the air ship.  "Oh, that's where Bart is" Jaune says as they watch the exchange.  They all turn back to each other and stand there a little awkwardly until Ruby speaks up.  "Well, uh, wish us luck" the younger girl says as they turn and make their way to the air ship.  Once inside they take off and start sailing over the edge of the kingdom.  "I have to say doctor Oobleck, I've never really seen you as much of a fighter" Yang says.  "Well, I would consider myself more of an intellectual but as a huntsman I've had my fair share of tussles" Oobleck replies.

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